Way seeming right/Heart sorrowful in laughter/Backslider in heart/Simple believing every word/Wise-man fears

Proverbs 14:12 to 16

Way seeming right/Heart sorrowful in laughter/Backslider in heart/Simple believing every word/Wise-man fears

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12)

A way may seem good to you as the snares, pits, thorns are hidden from you. If you walk by this way, you will face destruction or death at the end of the way. You have to seek God's light unto your path before your commence your journey on this path. Just wait on Him and get a green signal from Him.

Today, unrighteous rulers or Chief Executives of organizations are taking important decisions keeping in mind good visions. The way by which they go seems right unto them but the output of their actions result in destruction or chaos. Initially, their organizations may reap windfall of profits but in the end their organizations would face extinction because of their acts of unrighteousness.

Heart sorrowful in laughter

Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness (Proverbs 14:13).Many of us appear to be happy when our heart is sorrowful. We should not pretend to be emotionally happy when we are really sad. If we are sorrowful, our friends and loved ones should know it so that they can pray for us or comfort us. If we continue to live in that mirth (merriment), the end will be heaviness only. We should speak out our heart. Weep when you are in pain or sorrow.

Backslider in heart

The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself (Proverbs 14:14).A backslider in heart is not led by the Holy Spirit but by his flesh or by the devil. Today many servants of God chosen by God for ministry have backslid with the result that they go by their own ways. But a good man whose conduct is good in the sight of God lives a life of contentment even if he or she is in penury. This is the secret of God. Simple believing every word

The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going (Proverbs 14:15).

Wise man fears

A comparison is made between a simple man and a prudent man. A simple person believes every word without examining and understanding it but a prudent man examines his own way and knows where he is bound for. The simple man does not understand his own action or way but the prudent man understands his own action or way.

We should not believe in every word or promise of others without discerning it prayerfully.

A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident(Proverbs 14:16).A wise man fears God and abhors and departs from evil. But a fool does not fear God but feels furious even under the slightest provocation and is confident of his foolish decision or goal. The end of the way of a fool is disastrous. He who intends to harm others is a fool even if he or she justifies his/her action. Avenging your enemies is God's work and not your work. Do not think of doing harming to your opponents but leave this work to God and pray to Him for giving you peace in your mind.

Next.....Consequences of wrath/Simple inheriting folly