Highway of upright

Highway of upright

The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul (Proverbs 16:17) .

An upright person is one who walks in the highway in his or her life. He or she does not want to be drawn into the path down the highhill. While traversing this highway, he or she has to depart from evil at first sight. If he or she keeps walking in this highway, he or she will preserve his or her soul as the case may be. Such a highway walk is possible with Christ only. Many philosophical persons have miserably failed in their highway walk. Philosophy has taught them certain good doctrines but they could not apply such doctrines to their lives practically. Philosophy without it's source, i.e. Christ has no meaning. Philosophers cannot preserve their souls from the decay of sin. They do not consider the sin as the rootcause of all evil. They just deal with the symptoms of the sin but do not deal with the rootcause of such symptoms.

At its simplest, philosophy (from the Greek or phílosophía, meaning 'the love of wisdom') is the study of knowledge, or "thinking about thinking", although the breadth of what it covers is perhaps best illustrated by a selection of other alternative definitions: ... (Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy). The term "philosophy" meant the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, and comprised ALL areas of speculative thought, including the arts, sciences and religion.

According to the above definitions, philosophy is the love of wisdom or the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. We can definitely love the wisdom and can pursue knowledge if we abide in Christ and He abides in us. It is the very character of Jesus Christ we have to show to this world by being comformed to His very image.

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