Wise woman buildeth

Wise woman buildeth

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands (Proverbs 14:1).

A wise woman is one who is in Christ Jesus submitting to her husband in family matters and also submitting to the authority of the Word of God in spiritual matters. If her husband is an unbeliever, she has to submit to him in all family matters. However, if the will of her husband clashes with the will of God, then she has to obey God in spiritual matters. I knew of a woman of God whose husband was a staunch Hindu. She hae not denied her faith but went to the church and prayed when her husband was away. She found it difficult to maintain her personal relationship with Christ. Her husband was not allowing her to teach the Word of God to her children. At times, she openly expressed her desire to pray or to go to the church. She was not able to build her house. She and her friends were praying for the conversion of her husband. But she was not bold enough for Christ to tell her husband that she would attend the church and would pray as her spiritual life had nothing to do with her personal family life. Her husband would never divorce her because of her good conduct. She needed to take a firm stand for God in this regard.A foolish woman plucks down her house with her hands. A foolish woman is one who is not in Christ Jesus or one who is in Christ Jesus but is not submitting herself to her husband in family matters. Since her head is the husband, she has to submit herself to the authority of her husband in family matters. There are many women of God who do not submit themselves to the authority of their husbands in family matters. Though they can give suitable advices to their husbands, they should submit to their authority finally. They are thus destroying their families.

Next.....Walking in uprightness