Lung Lichens


"Lobaria pulmonaria is a large epiphytic lichen consisting of an ascomycete fungus and a green algal partner living together in a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacterium—a symbiosis involving members of three kingdoms of organisms. Commonly known by various names like tree lungwort, lung lichen, lung moss, lungwort lichen, oak lungs or oak lungwort,[3] it is sensitive to air pollution and is also harmed by habitat loss and changes in forestry practices. Its population has declined across Europe and L. pulmonaria is considered endangered in many lowland areas. The species has a history of use in herbal medicines, and recent research has corroborated some medicinal properties of lichen extracts." - Wikipedia: Lobaria pulmonaria 

Benefits of Lung Lichens

Indicator Species

Medicinal Properties

These were once used in folk medicine, but modern science has now corroborated some of their medicinal properties.


Lichens as Indicator Species by Location

Use these guides to determine local environmental health with lung lichens.

North America

