
Tidal Devices

EMEC List of Tidal Devices:

There are other designs too.

The places that may benefit most from tidal and wave energy include:

This is because these types of locations tend to be highly dependent on diesel generators for power supply. 

Tidal Technology

Tidal technology harnesses the highly predictable motion of daily tides. Well-placed tidal infrastructure can harness consistent energy between 18-22 hours each day.

Additional Components


Junction Box

These can have capacity for 10-50 devices, with one larger export cable that will then run along the seafloor. Towards land the cable must be buried to reduce impact on marine life.

Mooring & Anchoring System

"A mooring is a fixture to which a device may be secured. At sea there are many mooring methods that can be used to secure a device to the seabed. The main categories of moorings are identified below, however there are other options available – see Aquaret website for more details. The mooring and anchor examples provided have been used across the tidal, wave and floating wind industry."

Impacts on Marine Life

Marine Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can seriously impact marine organisms from plankton to marine mammals. Our oceans are constantly getting noisier, making it harder for species throughout the ocean food chain to survive. Most of the noise pollution is from shipping channels, but large construction projects are also a risk. In the case of tidal energy production, this may occur when devices and/or their anchors are placed on the seabed.

Bubble Curtains

Bubble curtains have been deployed in rivers and bays to help capture and direct debris (plastic pollution and invasive plant species) to collection points, but they've also been found to dampen noise pollution. In some cases they can entirely eliminate the harmful effects of noise pollution on some species, though they may only have limited protective qualities for others.

Testing Sites








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