
Harms of Fireworks

Chemical Pollution

Greenhouse Gases

"The metal salts and explosives in the fireworks undergo chemical changes when combined with oxygen (combustion). This chemical reaction then releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen." - Waste4Change

Click the Air Pollution button to learn more about these green house gases, both their affect on the planet as well as ourselves.

Metal Salts

"the metal salts from which fireworks gain their beautiful color do not just ‘burn up’. They are still metal atoms, and many of them end up as aerosols that pollute the air, and eventually our water and soil too.

And, when inhaled or ingested, these metals can cause a huge variety of short- and long-term reactions, ranging from vomiting, diarrhea, or asthma attacks, to kidney disease, cardiotoxic effects, and a variety of cancers." - Waste4Change

Heavy Metals

Heavy metal pollution in the air increases 51% above time periods without fireworks. - Waste4Change

Particulate Matter

"The research revealed that during the Diwali Festival back in 2015, The PM10 concentration was 81% higher than other days and 3.1-times higher than the Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

Furthermore, the concentrations of metals, cations, and anion increased by 51%, 72%, and 77%, respectively. Lastly, the higher concentrations of metals during the Diwali period resulted in a 0.5% increase in the hazard index." - Waste4Change

"After a fireworks display, a number of studies have shown that the concentration of particulate matter in the local atmosphere is noticeably increased for days after the display. Just this week in Germany, particulate levels reached 26 times the EU recommended limit of 50 micrograms per cubic metre of air, with figures suggested that across the country over 4,000 tons of particulates were ejected into the atmosphere by fireworks displays. Meanwhile, a study in the US found that particulate concentrations increased by up to 370% in the 24 hours after an Independence Day firework display." - The Dark Side of Fireworks


Another source warns that, "many fireworks contain oxidisers known as perchlorates. These can dissolve in water, contaminating rivers, lakes and drinking water."

This paper mentions that ,"Perchlorate has been found in drinking water and surface waters in the United States and Canada. It is primarily associated with release from defense and military operations. Natural sources include certain fertilizers and potash ores. Although it is a strong oxidant, perchlorate is very persistent in the environment. At high concentrations perchlorate can affect the thyroid gland by inhibiting the uptake of iodine. A maximum contaminant level has not been set, while a guidance value of 6 ppb has been suggested by Health Canada. ..."

"...A study conducted on surface water samples following a firework display, found a maximum perchlorate concentration of 44.2 μg/L, while the concentrations decreased towards the background level within 20 to 80 days..."

The paper also mentions that perchlorates are known to be carcinogenic in lab rats, but have been found in a variety of crops, cow's milk, and human milk.

The Dark Side of Fireworks warns that the levels of perchlorates in bodies of water can increase by over 1,000 times the usual average value, after fireworks displays, and that "After fireworks displays there is the possibility of perchlorate contaminating drinking water supplies. "

Plastics & Microplastics

Even if manufacturers switched to bioplastics, they need to be recycled (which there aren't adequate facilities to do at this time) so that they don't cut people or wildlife with sharp edges, or create other problems. 

To learn more about cleaning up plastic pollution, click the Plastic Cleanup button.

Health Effects

Earth's Air Pollution Crisis

The WHO warns that, "As the world gets hotter and more crowded, our engines continue to pump out dirty emissions, and half the world has no access to clean fuels or technologies (e.g. stoves, lamps), the very air we breathe is growing dangerously polluted: nine out of ten people now breathe polluted air, which kills 7 million people every year.

The health effects of air pollution are serious – one third of deaths from stroke, lung cancer and heart disease are due to air pollution. This is having an equivalent effect to that of smoking tobacco, and much higher than, say, the effects of eating too much salt."

Air Pollution from Fireworks Increases Hospitalizations & Death

"The research used epidemiological data to estimate the likely health impacts from fireworks pollution, and the results is that the relative risk of cardiovascular mortality increased to 125.11% and the relative risk for cardiovascular morbidity increased by 175.16% over a regular winter day.

Moreover, hospital admissions for asthma and other breathing problems peak the day following a fireworks display." - Waste4Change

Noise Pollution

Pets & Livestock

Fireworks terrify pets, causing more run-away/lost pet situations around yearly firework seasons/events.

According to this source, "it is estimated that 45% of dogs show signs of fear when they hear fireworks1 , and a New Zealand survey recorded 79% of horses as either anxious or very anxious around fireworks or over the Guy Fawkes period2 . Animals affected not only suffer psychological distress but can also cause themselves injuries, sometimes very serious ones, as they attempt to run or hide from the noise."

"Horses in particular take flight when scared and can collide with fences, the interior of buildings, and other harmful objects as they flee. In a survey on the management of horses during fireworks in New Zealand, running was the most frequent response to fireworks reported, and 35% of respondents reported horses breaking through fences. 26% of respondents reported their horses had received injuries due to fireworks, ranging from lacerations, strains and sprains to most serious of all, broken limbs (7%), an injury which most usually results in euthanasia13. The British Horse Society reports 20 deaths, 10 severe injuries, and 88 mild to moderate injuries in horses in firework incidents since 2010. ..."

The same source mentions that "83% of veterinary professionals agree that fireworks should be regulated to allow use only for licensed events or on certain dates."

Avoid fireworks

Fireworks not only stress out wildlife and disrupt their natural behaviors. Fireworks terrify pets, causing more run-away/lost pet situations around yearly firework seasons/events. People with PTSD and sensory processing disorders such as people with autism can also suffer severe distress from the loud noises and sudden, bright lights. Alternatives can save resources including money, and reduce pollution caused by exploded firework each year that then wash into waterways. Some examples include:

Light shows projected onto buildings

Shadow performances

Cultural dances, costumes, and decorations

Choreographed drone displays.


Fireworks not only stress out wildlife and disrupt their natural behaviors, but they can also startle these animals into running into traffic, flying into windows, abandoning their babies or eggs, or even dying from heart attacks.

Veterans, Autistic People, & Those with PTSD

People with PTSD and sensory processing disorders such as people with autism can also suffer severe distress from the loud noises and sudden, bright lights. Fireworks and other celebratory explosives can sound just like the deadly kind, so veterans, victims of mass shootings, an refugees from war-torn countries may have their PTSD triggered during these times. 

As someone who used to enjoy fireworks, I'm now unable to control my body when they go off, even when I see them go up and expect the loud explosion. There is no way to prevent my body from reacting negatively each time.

Alternatives can save resources including money, and reduce pollution caused by exploded firework each year that then wash into waterways. Some examples include:

Light shows projected onto buildings

Shadow performances

Cultural dances, costumes, and decorations

Choreographed drone displays.

Calls to Action

Level 1: Personal Action

Level 2: Family & Friends

Level 3: Community

Level 4: National & International

Eco-Friendly Alternatives

The following are listed from more eco-friendly (first) to less eco-friendly (last).

Please feel free to make suggestions!

Cultural Dances

These can be practiced dances like dragon dances at Lunar New Year, Scottish Country Dancing with traditional costumes, or they can be inclusive dances such as American Line Dancing which allows anyone to join in the fun.

Pro: Educates and promotes cultural pride. Inspiring to watchers. Inclusive dances can boost a sense of community and acceptance. Dancing is healthy, and boosts mental health. Dancing .

Con: Can still be a source of light or noise pollution. Injuries are less likely than with fireworks but possible, however they would generally also be less severe than the accidents caused by fireworks.

Solution: Indoor dances are less likely to disturb others in or beyond the community. Safety and insurance should be considered to help reduce the chances of any serious injury.

Resources: Time for dancers to practice, music, floor space to dance, festive clothing, and appropriate lighting.

Projected Light Shows

All you need for one of these is a big wall (indoors or out), a projector, and a computer.

When projected against a historial or iconic building this type of show can be take advantage of the windows, doors, and other features of the building itself. For example this video below recreated the construction of the historical building, in addition to real life and fictional scenarios.

Pro: Can potentially be created and run by one artist/technician.

Con: May require the artist/technician to trouble shoot with any blemishes or ugly features of the wall.

Solution: Ensure that the producer/technical has plenty of time to photo or scan the existing wall, set up, and practice.

Resources: Projector, a large building's wall or projector screen.

Shadow Show

All you need for one of these is a big wall (indoors or out), a light, or several lights, and actors or puppets to perform the show.

As a kid I watched performers' shadows on a wall across a river or harbor (I was very young and it was dark), where they played out the events of their nation's civil war and victory. It was very impressive with the music, but afterwards they set off fireworks, and a woman in the crowd near us started screaming when her hair caught fire from a stray firework ember.

Pro: Relies on minimal lighting, puppets, performers (or just their limbs), but can also include props, hand-held lights, or colourful plastic films or cellophane (which can be found at craft shops or online) to make a monochromatic show more colorful.

Con: Requires practicing and timing between lighting, music, and actors if actors or puppets are being used.

Solution: Ensure enough practice time for the crew.

Resources: Projector, a large building's wall or projector screen.

Hybrid Light Show & Shadow Performance

Pro: Mixes the benefits of both projection technology and actors or puppets. More environmental detail, interest, and atmosphere can be created. Doesn't need as much technical expertise as a show reliant on just projections.

Con: Takes slightly more planning and coordination than a non-hybrid performance.

Solution: Ensure practice time on site to ensure the actors/puppeteers and other crew can sink up evertyhing correctly.

Resources: Projector, a large building's wall or projector screen.

Drone Shows

These involve a number of drones with lights being flown in concert with one another, generally at night to give an areal light show. 

Pro: These can be purchased once, then used year after year. These aren't known to start forest fires like fireworks or paper lanterns.

Con: These require batteries which use lithium and other precious elements. They can be expensive to buy.

Solution: In addition to having a team to ensure a safe show, repairs and related services may be needed to keep these in good condition. Remove batteries between uses to reduce the risk of batteries leaking and damaging the drones. If cost is a limiting factor, it may be worth buying small batches of drones to slowly scale from a small drone show, to a larger more impressive show each year as money is saved from reusing these instead of exploding/destroying fireworks each year.

Resources: Drones, batteries, computer and software to run a coordinated show, ground space marked off for take off and landing away from viewers.

"Green" Fireworks

Despite the name, these have not been found to be significantly better than regular fireworks.

According to the American Chemical Society, "... researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have estimated that, although so-called environmentally friendly fireworks emit 15–65% less particulate matter than traditional fireworks, they still significantly deteriorate air quality." the scientists determined that "... the peak concentration of PM2.5 still greatly exceeds World Health Organization guidelines. This led the researchers to conclude that the number of “green” fireworks used at one time should be restricted."

Life Expectancy: Up to about 8-20 years in storage, or can go off as little as 3 seconds after being lit.

Pro: These are supposed to emit 15-65% less toxic substances when they explode.

Con: Contribute to noise, soil, light, water, and air pollution. Can still trigger PTSD, heart attacks, etc. in people and animals. These are very dangerous to store, and become a hazard in the event of an unexpected fire.

Solution: Alternatives such as drone shows or more traditional entertainment would probably be better than setting off any kind of fireworks. Scientists warn that since there are still toxic chemicals in these, as well as other dangers posed by even green fireworks, they should be restricted just like regular fireworks should be.

Resources: Plastic, wood pulp, potassium nitrate, charcoal, sulfur, metal Salts, dextrin, antimony trisulfide are found in regular fireworks, but we haven't found a list of what chemicals are different in "green" fireworks.

Further Reading


Other types of pollution that can be caused by celebrations.