

An enclosed velomobile has an efficiency of about 12.35 km/MJ. They can be entirely person-powered, or battery assisted. They may be better for some people's backs than a traditional bike or cargo bike, while providing a sturdy foundation for carrying children, shopping, pets, and more. These are similar to recumbent bikes, but come with storage space and often an outer casing to protect riders from wind or rain.


An enclosed velomobile has an efficiency of about 12.35 km/MJ. They can be entirely person-powered, or battery assisted. They may be better for some people's backs than a traditional bike or cargo bike, while providing a sturdy foundation for carrying children, shopping, pets, and more. These are similar to recumbent bikes, but come with storage space and often an outer casing to protect riders from wind or rain.

Safety Tips

General Tips for Stress-Free Travel



(Level 3 Activism)

School Zones

Family & Friends

(Level 2 Activism)


For bike-specific organizations, click the Bike Advocacy Groups button to learn which organizations are working in your area, or explore the International section for resource on how to start your own group.

The Transportation Renaissance in NYC is being Led by THIS Group

23:24 minute video "Discover the transformative infrastructure changes that TA has advocated for over the years- like the iconic Prospect Park West protected bike lane, the game-changing Queens Boulevard redesign, and the ever-expanding network of Citi Bike stations."


Further Reading

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