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The following isn't specifically vegan, but may also be helpful for those with dietary restrictions:

Activism Resources


Cafés & Restaurants

Pros & Cons of Eating Vegan

In this section we offer studies and similar resources that explore the effects of plant-based-diets on athletes and regular people.


Roadmap for Switching to Vegan Foods

Most of us weren't born vegan or vegetarian, and just thinking about making such a change can be really overwhelming for some people. When I first realized there were more reasons to be vegan than not, I still struggled with concerns about my (at the time) poor health, learning where to eat, or even knowing what to eat made me hesitate to even get started. Fortunately shopping guides for vegans can help you understand what vegan products you already own and use, as well as simple tips for veganizing your old recipes without even noticing any difference.

The following are steps I took during my transition period which helped ensure more positive experiences than negative:

Week 1

"Nooch" (nutritional yeast) is famous for it's rich B12 content and cheezy flavor, but it is also high in niacin and other nutrients. Marmite isn't gluten-free, but it is also high in a variety of B vitamins, and gives food a beefy flavor. The British eat it on toast or in sandwiches, but it also makes a good beef broth substitute if you can't use soy sauce or find other  beefless bullion alternatives.

Week 2

Week 3 +

Tips for "Fussy Eaters" 

Before even going vegan, meal times were a huge struggle in our home, often resulting in crying, hurt feelings, and sometimes making a different meal if things came out badly enough. 

The best method I've found was to ask our child (and my partner) to give ratings on the overall meal 0 = "worst thing ever/can't even eat it" to 10 = "best food ever" (adjust your phrasing as needed). Then if the meal was made of different parts, we'd go around the plate rating each part: the protein, the veggies, the carb (like rice or potatoes), the sauce if there was one.

Having a numbering system removes the opportunity for them to make cruel comments and hurtful faces, but also provides a more objective rating system especially if your child's vocabulary is still limited. 

At least if your picky eater gives the veggies a 5, saying they like the flavor but hate the texture, then you might realize you just have to try a different cooking method but can use the same flavorings, instead of totally giving up on that food type all together.

This opened the door to me realizing they actually liked foods a lot more than they'd been letting on. This information helped us come up with meal plans and shopping lists together. We started letting our child pick one meal a week to learn to cook, I'd buy the ingredients, and we'd learn together or I'd teach them to cook so that they eventually gained a better appreciation for the effort that goes into making meals.

When fussy eaters learn to cook this helps them open up to new foods, and can improve their empathy for the people who usually cook for them.

Meal Planning

Recommended Replacements for Favorite Foods

The links below are collections of recipes, products, and cooking tips for replacing your favorite animal foods with, eco-friendly alternatives. Topics are listed by biggest drop in your ecological impact if you switched away from the animal-based version.

Comparing Foods & Their Impacts

Animal Products VS Supply Chain Food Waste "With a third of all food production lost via leaky supply chains or spoilage, food loss is a key contributor to global food insecurity. Demand for resource-intensive animal-based food further limits food availability. In this paper, we show that plant-based replacements for each of the major animal categories in the United States (beef, pork, dairy, poultry, and eggs) can produce twofold to 20-fold more nutritionally similar food per unit cropland. Replacing all animal-based items with plant-based replacement diets can add enough food to feed 350 million additional people, more than the expected benefits of eliminating all supply chain food loss."

Nutritional Comparisons


Click the Food Security button to learn more about the nutritional value of different foods and their impact on the environment.

Animal Farming Environmental Impacts

Harvard Study Finds Shift to Grass-Fed Beef Would Require 30% More Cattle and Increase Beef’s Methane Emissions 43% "A Harvard report published July 2018 in the journal Environmental Research Letters  found that shifting U.S. beef production to exclusively grass-fed, pastured systems would require 30% more cattle just to keep up with current demand and production levels, and that the average methane footprint per unit of beef produced would increase by 43% due to the slower growth rates and higher methane conversion rates of grass-fed cattle. This would increase the U.S.’s total methane emissions by approximately 8%, according to the researchers."

Vegan Substitutes & Recipes


How to Help Others

Fight Hunger

Click the Combat Hunger button to find other ways to fight hunger with our directory of apps and charities.

Community-Level Adoption

Farmers' Markets

These can also help promote plant-based alternatives and help connect community members with how their food is produced. At the same time these gatherings support farmers with fairer prices by removing the middle man.

Groceries & Food Processors

Groceries and companies responsible for packaging foods can help people make more eco-friendly choices, 

1st by offering more sustainable products in the first place, and 

2nd by providing clear, and accurate information for these foods. 

Product Placement

Some customers may prefer to have specific veg-only places to search for their dairy-free yogurts and cheeses, while others might enjoy seeing vegan meat-alternatives slowly crowd out the increasingly expensive meats of the deli section. Some companies appease both types of customers by having various pockets of vegan-friendly foods, but having animal-free products next to the traditional versions of those foods can help encourage purchases from meat-lovers who keep hearing of the health benefits or emissions reduction that plant-based alternatives can offer.

Restaurants & Cafeterias

School cafeterias, restaurants, hotels, elderly homes, hospitals, and businesses who offer food can all join in the transition to more planet-friendly, not to mention healthier food options.


Menus and product packaging can include ratings to help consumers choose the more eco-friendly products. Use the resources below for inspiration and food sustainability info.



Plant-Based Menus & Events

Plant-Based Menus & Events


Policy & Political Advocacy

Farm Transitions


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