Natural Gas


Natural gas warms our planet, and produced dangerous chemicals which can build up in our homes, harming our health. 

Companies often burn off excess gas because it can be more expensive to harvest from drill sites than it would be worth to see. Even when companies do capture it for use, a small percentage leaks at the drill site, then each time it is loaded or offloaded from ships, then again from faulty equipment, including stoves that are turned off. Since the industry has continued to expand this "small percentage" lost at each stage, is turning out to be increasingly alarming as studies find higher rates of loss than the gas industry has been reporting to the public. 

Old wells often leak, and are costly to plug. Earthquakes, and the mere fact that many orphan wells are hard to find even with historical maps, means that even when these holes are plugged, they can later be damaged, releasing natural gas into the environment again.

Costs of Natural Gas

Air Pollution

Natural gas can build up in basements and homes. If you smell it, report the leak immediately and evacuate the area. Turn off any flames as these can cause an explosion.

Climate Change / Global Warming



Global Energy Monitor’s eight power sector trackers provide the source of underlying data: the Global Coal Plant Tracker, Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker, Global Solar Power Tracker, Global Wind Power Tracker, Global Hydropower Tracker, Global Geothermal Power Tracker, Global Bioenergy Power Tracker, Global Nuclear Power Tracker."




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