Nail Files

Nail Files

The following are listed from better, longer-lasting, and more environmentally friendly options first.

Crystal Nail Files

Life Expectancy: Proper crystal nail files are laser etched which means they never wear down and can last a life time, maybe even generations. Unfortunately cheap knock-off, glass files which are sprayed with a rough coating are becoming easier to buy by accident, and only last a few uses or months at best.

Pro: These are very simple to disinfect, simply wash after using and keep in a safe place between uses. These create almost no sensation while being used, making them perfect for those with autism or other sensitivities. 

Con: These can break if dropped.

Solutions: Try to give these their own safe place in a draw or makeup bag. One of mine broke because a draw was overstuffed and another item pushed the file over the edge and onto the floor while rummaging. 

Metal Files 

Life Expectancy: These used to be extremely durable and last for decades, maybe even generations, but the modern ones generally blunt down after only a few years or even months of use depending on how poor the quality is.

Pro: Metal nail files can be recycled and made from recycled materials. A quality file should be durable enough to last for decades or longer.

Con: Metal files with plastic handles may be more difficult recycle, or create more pollution as the plastic is burned off. These can damage nails, and the sensation is extremely unpleasant (especially for those with sensory disorders, autism, or anything of that nature.) Metal files can rust if not kept in a dry location.

Solutions: Try to buy files without plastic parts, or separate them before recycling. Do not leave metal files near sinks or other wet/damp places.

Emery Boards

These are the worst option because they generally aren't made of environemtally friendly materials, and they last such a short time. They can't be recycled, and are rarely if ever made from recycled materials. Their texture is terrible, so they are not child or autism-friendly.


Since it can be hard to know which products are genuine, vs knock-offs, we've started a list of highly-recommended companies, and companies that we've tried ourselves.

Etched Crystal Files

The following are listed alphabetically.

Metal Nail Files

Stone Nail Files