Nuclear Energy



Nuclear has a bad reputation after a few famous plants had their safety features disabled, or suffered damage from earthquakes, but historically speaking they have caused far fewer deaths by energy production than most other types of energy.

With new innovations this technology is becoming increasingly safe, even at the end of life options appear to be improving.

Hydrogen (despite being advertised as clean) is generally created using fossil fuels, and has not caught on as well as other energy types, but could be an important solution for vehicles including ships. By using renewable energies and nuclear we may be able to ween ourselves off oil much faster.

Benefits of Nuclear

Dangers of Nuclear

Types of Energy Storage

We often think of batteries when we thing of storage, as well as the environmental issues such as mining and end-of-life pollution. However there are more options for energy storage than many people realize. 

Click the Battery Technology button to learn more about these options and as well as which companies are already offering these solutions.



Grants & Funding

Anything currently listed is merely a suggestion and hasn't been confirmed as a definite source of funding for nuclear.

North America





North America

Map of Power Generation in the Northwest interactive map allows you to see the types and sizes of projects 1898 to present (2023), and slide the timeline handles to see what types of energy production where built during which time periods.

Further Reading

We try to focus on available technology and solutions that are already in use, but if you want to read about emerging technologies on the horizon, or maybe even being tested somewhere near you, then the article Novel Renewable Technologies That Could Power the Future lists a number that we haven't heard about anywhere else.

You may also be interested in some of our other pages covering related topics.