Active Transit


Benefits of a Sidecar

These are similar to trailers, but allow parents and guardians to keep an eye on young children or passengers with disabilities. Being next to one another makes for easier communication, especially for anyone with hearing impairment, or who uses sign language to communicate.

Bicycle Sidecar

5:35 minute video shows the construction process for a bicycle side car, including cutting , welding, spray painting, adding a padded seat and safety buckle.

Safety First!

Eco-friendly traveling can require us to consider things we might not have worried about before. Letting kids travel to school on their own can be scary for us adults, but sometimes our fears aren't reflected by the data. For example some people worry about their kids being safe from strangers when out on their bikes, but studies found that girls with bikes were safer than girls without access to bikes, because they could move more freely and faster than children on foot.

Similarly people assume cars keep their kids safe, but the data shows most travel-related deaths being linked to drivers of cars.

Whether you walk or ride with your kid, or let them travel alone, children will be safer if you:

General Tips for Stress-Free Travel

Similar Types of Transport


Trikes are often seen as training-devices to help kids learn to ride bikes, but they can be appropriate alternatives for kids or adults with physical disabilities, inner-ear problems or neurological issues such as seizures. They can safely transport groceries, backpacks, pets, or even children on the rear basket or foot bar.


An enclosed velomobile has an efficiency of about 12.35 km/MJ. They can be entirely person-powered, or battery assisted. They may be better for some people's backs than a traditional bike or cargo bike, while providing a sturdy foundation for carrying children, shopping, pets, and more. These are similar to recumbent bikes, but come with storage space and often an outer casing to protect riders from wind or rain.

10:44 minute video gives a personal account of transporting kids with a car vs a bakfiets, including the benefit of improved stimulation provided by riding in the open, vs being stuck looking at a car's boring head rest.

Bike Trailers

Pro: These are a great way to bring young kids along on a ride, even if they are too heavy for a seat attached to the bike itself. Kids get a great view of their neighborhood, and the seat is low enough that (once old enough) they can climb in themselves. The cover can protect children, pets, shopping, tools, or other cargo from rain and other unpleasant elements. The cover can also reduce road pollution reaching the child.

Con: Children closer to the road can end up breathing more pollutants than parents or kids higher on the bike (scientists were surprised to learn that kids in cars are also exposed to road pollution while waiting in traffic).

Pedicabs, Bicycle Sidecars, & Wheelchair Tandem Bikes

These are great options for a competent cyclist to transport children, elderly people, people with limited mobility, or those who otherwise might not be able to enjoy cycling.

Bike Sidecars

Safety Tips

DUET Wheelchair Bicycle Tandem

5:38 minute video starts with the user being harnessed in, then shows how easily care givers can use this type of devise while also being able to reach forward and give care.




(Level 3 Activism)

School Zones

Family & Friends

(Level 2 Activism)


For bike-specific organizations, click the Bike Advocacy Groups button to learn which organizations are working in your area, or explore the International section for resource on how to start your own group.


North America


New York

The Transportation Renaissance in NYC is being Led by THIS Group

23:24 minute video "Discover the transformative infrastructure changes that TA has advocated for over the years- like the iconic Prospect Park West protected bike lane, the game-changing Queens Boulevard redesign, and the ever-expanding network of Citi Bike stations."


North America



Further Reading

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