Academic Activism


This type of activism can help children and adults become more aware of the challenges facing our planet and society, then inspire hope as you explore solutions together. Anyone at any age can help teach, and as requested, we are gathering solutions to share with you and your students including funding opportunities such as grants. If you like academic topics but don't have the time or education to get involved, citizen science might be your thing! It's a simple and fun way to help your local scientists, conservation organization, or even certain branches of government to protect us and nature.

Academic Activism by Field or Type

Animal Rights

It's important to include academic understanding of animal rights, conservation, and veganism when standing up for non-humans. 

Animals are used in science despite the increasing knowledge about the many draw backs (driving frogs species to extinction to provide direction specimens to thousands of schools, putting empathetic students off scientific studies, unreasonably high costs for single use bodies, etc.).

Many animal welfare organizations and environmentalists groups still serve meat at fund raisers despite the meat industry's incredibly high impact on the environment. This unfortunately sends the message that some animals are more worth saving than others, or that consuming meat "isn't that bad" despite growing evidence to the contrary both in respect to human health and the environmental impacts.

Faunalytics is just one of the many resources providing up-to-date data about animals which can help activists speak to the scientifically minded.

Citizen Science 

This can be an easy way to gather large and hard-to find data for scientists and conservation projects. The following list includes apps that can help you get involved today!

Click the Citizen Science button to see a growing list of ways apps and projects that can help you can get involved with helping the plant.


These are generally one-day events, though they may last for only a short period such as an hour or over several days. They are a great way to get adults and children both out in nature and involved with science.


Teachers, instructors, and tutors are essential for our future. Some people teach for free, but with certification you can earn money for bike safety training, and much more.

For Teachers

Click the For Teachers button for eco-friendly materials, resources, packets, funding opportunities and more for educators or education planners.


These resources have a very special place in my heart. When I was little they were all in book form, and I'd spend hours pouring over photos and descriptions of whatever topic had grasped my attention at the time. Now people anywhere in the world just need an internet connection to learn about important or totally obscure information via the many online encyclopedias.


Being able to research quality studies and data sets, then create a helpful paper is a skill many people struggle with. For those who enjoy researching and writing, this is a gift that the world needs if we are to create and follow scientifically-supported transition paths.


This doesn't mean hacking in the same way as portrayed in the media! "Hacking" is a term in the tech community that traditionally referred to the act of creating something new out of what little resources they had at the time: "Hacking together a solution." 

If technology, programming, or web-design are your thing, then we invite you to join with existing organizations like the VeganHactivists who work in teams to create amazing resources like these! 


There are a growing number of mentorship opportunities and openings. You might want to start by seeking mentorship then become a mentor when you feel more confident and have a good grasp of what makes for good or bad mentorship.


Research, development, peer review. Monitor our planet, work out solutions, and help spread the word about important issues. This information creates an vital foundation for our movements, helping us under stand which methods will help us transition to a sustainable systems sooner, how to avoid biases, and how to incorporate inclusion to those who might otherwise be left behind.


Do you speak more than one language? A huge percentage of internet content including studies are written in English. Now, more than ever, we need people to translate documents, articles, and other information into languages that will help people around the world benefit from sources that many of us take for granted. One example is the VeganLinguists









