

Most deodorants come in a plastic container which can't be recycled or easily reused which leads to a huge amount of waste. There are also concerns about the safety of deodorants with chemicals such as aluminum. The most dangerous type is anti-perspirants which prevent the body from eliminating waste products through the skin naturally.

I was super skeptical when I heard people suggest using "crystals" instead of deodorant, but these are specifically a salt-based crystal which helps fight off smelly bacteria that like warm damp places like human armpits.

They come with varying amounts of plastic packaging (some worse than others), but they last for years longer than a bar or can of spray deodorant, which on it's own saves a lot of waste, not to mention a fair amount of money as you'll only rarely need to buy a replacement.

Crystal Deodorant

Pro: Salt-based, no fragrances, gluten-free, vegan, doesn't prevent sweating. Minimizes bathroom waste. Not icy cold like roll-on or spray deodorants. Doesn't leave weird stains in the armpits of your clothing. These have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, as well as safer for your body than modern deodorants, apparently with less risk of developing breast cancer.

Con: Does not work on dry skin. If you drop it, it can crack into small, sharp shards. "Crystal deodorant may cause rashes, itchiness, or irritation, especially if your skin is broken or you’ve recently shaved or waxed. It can also cause an allergic reaction such as inflammation, dryness, or redness." - Healthline

Solution: Apply crystal deodorant right after a bath or shower, or run it under a faucet for a second before applying. If you drop and smash the crystal, try to save the largest chunks. These can be useful if you want to travel light, or for leaving in different places if you often stay over with other people (which can reduce the chance you'll forget to pack it and be smelly or have to use regular deodorant). "Avoid use when your skin is sensitive (such as the first few minutes after shaving your armpits) and discontinue use if the crystal deodorant continually irritates your skin." - Healthline

Resources: Potassium alum has been used as a deodorant in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. - Healthline