Air Ships


There are several types of air ship which are safer and more environmentally friendly than historical examples. Some companies are working on bringing back lighter than air travel, offering luxury travel for eco-conscious people. 

Life Expectancy: The ZG-20 model was used for 48 years before being retired.

Capacity: about 18 -100 passengers each. "The Airlander 10, which is expected to be certified and flown commercially in 2026, can carry approximately 130 people..."

Speed: 80mph / 128.7kmph

Pro: "Depending on the model, the Airlander 10 can reduce travel emissions by 75% to 90%." Can stay in flight for 5 days, offering luxury views of wildlife in places untouched by humanity.

Researchers have determined that compared with long-haul freight flights, less than 1% of CO2 was emitted compared to medium-haul flights, 1.4%, and compared to commercial passenger airliners, the amount of CO2 emitted was around 5%. - Aerospace Testing International

Con: Flights via these craft are not mainstream yet, and it appears that designers need to focus on including accommodations for people who use equipment such as wheel chairs. Accommodations may also be needed for people who are hard of hearing or deaf. Routes such as the Arctic and African luxury sky cruises are predicted to begin circa 2024 – 2026, with the Arctic route beginning in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, with 8 cabins able to host only 18 passengers total. Slow travel times may make these too inconvenient for business or emergency travel. A flight from London to New York would take around 2-3 days depending on weather conditions.

Solution: Infrastructure in the form of more air bases in preferably more accessible locations. Longyearbyen, Svalbard is so far from most people that they'd have to use a plane or other mode of transport just to get to the launch site (possibly negating the whole point of booking a tour on an eco-friendly mode of transport).

Materials: "The new Wingfoot NT envelope is made from a newer, much lighter compound that is comprised of polyurethane, polyester and a strong, protective film from DuPont™ called Tedlar®."

Fuel: Helium, electricity (batteries), and hydrogen. Solar/hybrid powered air ships are in development. GoodYearBlimps use 

"The new water ballast — which holds up to 185 gallons, or approximately 1,385 pounds, of water — allows the pilot to harmlessly reduce weight while in flight."

16:56 minute video talks about the benefits and recent changes in blimp technology. The video explores both problems and opportunities with this technology.

Benefits of Air Ships


Modern blimp advances are expected to manage "cargo loads up to 340,000 lb (150,000 kg – or the equivalent of about 115 Toyota Corollas), distances up to 6,000 miles (9,650 km, or roughly the distance between Los Angeles and Barcelona), at cruising speeds over 175 mph (280 km/h, or a little under one-third the speed of a Dreamliner passenger plane – but 7-10 times faster than a cargo ship can go)." - Zero-emissions hydrogen cargo airship prototype planned for 2025


Though blimps need to be stored in large hangars to protect them from strong winds, " can land and park a blimp in any large open space, airport, or even on a ship...", making them far more versatile for emergency relief, than planes, and less impactful on the environment or wildlife as planes or helicopters.

The can also be powered by a range of renewable options including hydrogen fuel cells, solar energy, batteries, or hybridized systems.

Air ships were once intended for transporting troops and war planes, but we can also use them for tourism, disaster relief, transporting medicine and other aid to isolated regions, weather research, geographical studies, as we search for ways to replace the major polluters in the aviation sector.

Speed Range

"The usual cruising speed for a GZ-20 is 35 miles per hour in a zero wind condition; all-out top speed is 50 miles per hour on the GZ-20 and 73 mph for the new Goodyear Blimp." - Goodyear Blimp

Load Range

"cargo loads up to 340,000 lb (150,000 kg – or the equivalent of about 115 Toyota Corollas)" - Zero-emissions hydrogen cargo airship prototype planned for 2025



Noise Pollution Solution

Air ships are much quieter than airplanes or helicopters.

Challenges Facing Air Ships

Lack of Infrastructure

Many of the historical air ship hangars are now derelict, and infrastructure for hydrogen or other types of sustainable refueling needs to be scaled up to properly put a dent in our current flying emissions.

Aviation Industry Emissions

"Climate pollution from aircraft is often overlooked, but if aviation were a country, it would be among the top 10 greenhouse gas emitters." - Environmental Defense Fund

Lack of Schools & Certification

There are currently no official schools or classes for people who want to be blimp pilots

"prefers that applicants have a commercial rating, whether it’s on airplanes, helicopters, gliders, or hot air balloons, said Viets. “It just makes the transition to airship hourly requirements less if someone already has a commercial rating,” he said. “To transition to airships is a minimum of 50 hours, but it usually takes a little longer than that, like any aircraft rating.”

If an applicant does not have a commercial rating, he or she will need 250 hours in airships before getting that commercial airship rating, said Viets. “They prefer pilots with 1,200 hours and a CFI certificate,”..."


Depending on weather during the flight, wind can work for or against the vehicle.

Air Travel vs People with Disabilities

Current air ships do not appear to be designed with wheelchairs or other mobility devices in mind. 

Currently there are 3 Good Year air bases in the USA: California, Florida, and Ohio but According to Good Year Blimp's Passenger Guide "Rides aboard the Goodyear Blimp are by invitation only." and "All airship passengers must be fully ambulatory and without physical impairment(s) that could prevent them from moving quickly at the direction of the pilot or ground crew."


Air Ship Companies Need to Consider More Needs

If blimp travel is to replace air planes and helicopters, then companies need to consider wheel chair users and those who need medical devices. This will expand the market for who can use this transit option.


More Air Ships

More Landing Locations

"Though you can land and park a blimp in any large open space, airport, or even on a ship, leaving it outside exposes it to wind, which can have damaging effects on the craft. Dedicated airship hangars and bases were therefore built around the country, starting in the 1920s, but really taking off in WWII." - The Center for Land Use Interpretation

Job Opportunities

As people search for alternatives to flying by plane or helicopter, pilots and others in the industry will already have much of the necessary training to help support the growing airship industry.

Of course some technologies and needs will be different, creating new job opportunities for the industry.

Use our Job Finder page to explore eco-friendly employment opportunities. By finding somewhere close to home, you can avoid excessive travel.

Types of Fuel

Fuel Cells


Alternative Modes of Transport


Ferries can spew out a good amount of emissions, but can also help reduce emissions when sparing people from driving around long bays or flying between islands. Fossil-powered ferries are also pretty loud which can harm organisms such as endangered glass reefs and dolphins. However electric ferries are much cleaner, quieter, and more comfortable for passengers.

Tools & Maps


North America




Job Opportunities

North America








Feel the crunch of the salt under your feet and deafening silence at the Makgadikgadi Pan, or wait for the floods and flocks of flamingos. Engulf yourself if the stories of the local Okavango Delta tour guides while floating through the water in a dugout canoe. Feast on meals designed by Jesper Vollmer in collaboration with renowned local chefs while gazing down upon Victoria Falls from a completely new vantage point."




North America




Further Reading