Reduce Energy Usage

Order of Topics

This section is organized from activities that currently use the most energy (and therefore have the greater ecological impact) to those that make up a smaller share of our energy use and emissions.

Currently we are using US statistics, since the country has a variety of climates, but these numbers may be different around the world depending on people's needs, environment, and local utilities.

Feedback and suggestions are much appreciated!

Low & Zero Energy Solutions

Cooling without A/C

This link describes a variety of ways to cool buildings, courtyards, patios, and porches without A/C units which use a significant amount of energy, and leak refrigerants into the atmosphere while physically heating the area outside of a building. By using electricity-free or low-electricity/refrigerant-free methods we can help cool ourselves without harming others. These are also a great way to reduce global electricity use, since heating and cooling are among the biggest building-related causes of emissions, with building emissions making up about 17.5% of global emissions.

Heating & Insulation

"The EU’s building stock is responsible for about 40% of the EU’s total energy consumption and 36% of its greenhouse gas emissions. The prevalence of fossil gas boilers in European homes further compounds the issue." according to this article. By focusing on ways to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels through insulation, passive heating and sustainable energies (preferably in that order) we can reduce the cost of our comfort while protecting the environment.

Heating Water

Pumping water is one of the biggest energy users in some places, but since water is resistant to temperature changes, it requires a lot of energy to heat too. Old fashioned water heaters can cause attics to overheat and air conditioning systems have to work harder, but in air cupboards they can be useful locations to keep bedding warm for winter use, or to help dry laundry or herbs. The newest and most efficient heaters are electric, but solar and other options are available too.

Electricity Free Refrigeration & Food Preservation

Refrigeration uses a fairly high amount of energy, yet storing too much food can end with things being lost, forgotten, then going bad anyway. By reducing our reliance on refrigeration,  we can often extend the life of our food. Having less cluttered fridge and freezer space also helps the equipment work more efficiently than overstuffed refrigeration. The link to the left explores electricity free cooling solutions (both products and how to guides to help you build your own), drying methods, canning, and more.

Laundry: Stains, Washing, & Drying

Drying laundry is the most carbon intensive stage of caring for your laundry, washing uses the most water, and certain products cause various types of pollution. For example laundry sheets should be avoided because they release unwanted chemicals and micro plastics into the environment. 

Since so many resources, a lot of energy, and land fill space is used for fast fashion and single-use items, simply taking proper care of your clothing, and washing reusable items will help you significantly reduce your ecological impact. Some examples include: baby wipes, nappies/diapers, period pads, and cleaning rags and "the family cloth".

Eco-Friendly Cooking Methods & Equipment

This link explores different ways we can cook and preserve foods with no energy, or reduced energy use. These include solar cookers and dehydrators, drying, canning, microwaving, and how to reduce your energy use with different equipment you may already use daily.

Tools & Calculators

For technology-specific tools and calculators, check out the specific technology/solution pages above. For example the High Efficiency Heat Pump page has a selection of calculators and tools to guide your installation needs and expected benefits.

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Grants & Funding


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