Warka Towers


Warka Towers "Locations with high rates of fog or humidity are the best places to install the Warka Tower. The water harvesting capacity strictly depends on the meteorological conditions and the aim is to distribute from 40 to 80 liters (10 to 20 gallons) of drinking water every day for use of the community."

"Warka Tower is designed to harvest potable water from the atmosphere (it collects rain, harvests fog and dew). It functions only by natural phenomena such us gravity, condensation & evaporation and doesn’t require electrical power. Warka Tower is designed to be owned and operated by the villagers, a key factor that will facilitate the success of the project. The tower not only provides a fundamental resource for life – water – but also creates a social place for the community, where people can gather under the shade of its canopy for education and public meetings."

According to a South African case study, "Small, local solutions can crack water crises"


When we avoid overconsumption of products that consume the most water, we can have a greater, and longer-lasting impact that small, at home changes. 

Learn about which activities use the most water, to develope a plan on curring your own water footprint. In many cases consuming less will have a greater impact than harvesting water, though water collection may be your first step in your water conservation journey.

2:43 minute video showing the construction of a warka tower.

Warka Tower Basics

Life Expectancy


These are still in the prototype phase. They may be at risk of damage from extreme weather including strong winds, hail, hurricanes, lighting and tornadoes, however much of their construction is made with local materials including bamboo, earth, wood, raffia palm leaves, raffia bamboo canes, lianas, dry straw, and dry reeds, which are affordable or even free to replace.  - Warkawater.org 


Works with passive air flow and humidity to produce potable water. Design at top helps deter birds from perching or pooping on the tower (protecting the supply), and the shade at the bottom is designed to provide a comfortable gathering spot while reducing evaporation.


Relies on fog, dew, and rain.


Alternative water harvesting methods may need to be included in the community's water security plan. Some of these are discussed further down on this page.


Bamboo, earth, wood, raffia palm leaves, raffia bamboo canes, lianas, dry straw, and dry reeds, which are affordable or even free to replace. - Warkawater.org 

Fuel Types

Water Cycle - Rain and/or aquifer water+ passive air flow + gravity.


Design Info

Fog Catcher Information

There are several types of fog capturing devices other than the warka tower, the info we have found about them may be useful.

System Additions

Water Storage

Rain Barrels/Butts & Cisterns 

These are generally used to collect rain and snowmelt, however they can also be paired with rooftop air condenser systems, to help store the water for later use. 

Life Expectancy: 20 years.

Pro: Safely stores rain or grey water for later use.

Con: An turn into a breeding ground for mosquitoes, or be contaminated with dead animals that can fall/get trapped inside. I've found dead frogs who might have hatched but not been able to get out. Dead leaves can build up, leaching tannins into the water.

Solution: Install fixtures that will help keep wildlife and leaves out of the system. Make sure to clean these to prevent plugging and backups. Empty and clean out the container periodically.

Fuel Types: Water Cycle + Gravity

Plants to Increase Permeability on Slopes

The following focus more on systems to boost soil permeability, rather than harvesting drinking or irrigation water. By sequestering water within the soil, we can (to an extent) remove the need for irrigation.

Systems such as swales double as a measure to sequester water in the soil, and when full enough, they can help transport excess water to a secondary location such as body of water, a rain garden, or regular flowerbeds.

Rock Catchments

Rooftop Harvesting 

If a warka tower or other fog harvesting methods will probably not be sufficient, it may make sense to pair the technology with rooftop harvesting systems

This takes every drop of water that lands on a rooftop, directing it to a gutter which can collect it in rain barrels or cisterns for later use. Any overflow can be directed towards water harvesting landscape features such as water gardens, however these features should be at least 3.33 meters (10ft) from any structures and their foundations.


Using SUD systems can reduce flooding when rain does come, and help sequester water in the landscape for gardening or farming.

Water Recycling 

This takes used water, and uses it in landscaping, or other uses.

Grey Water 

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