North America Voter Information

United States

The politics of the USA have an outsized impact on other countries around the world. Not only have they started a number of wars in other countries, but their energy and commerce systems greatly influence other country's policies and economics.

In addition to this, we are at a critical time in Earth's history where every choice will help decide if we can actually reign in climate change, or if we will simply shoot past the tipping points into extinction. 

On this sight we generally try to stick with science, facts, and away from politics, however we learned from Trump's last presidency that he is more than willing to sell critically threatened and important habitats to oil and gas companies. He got rid of water quality legislation, and many other damaging changes which took the Biden administration years to restore. With the threat of another Trump presidency threatening (quite literally) life on earth, ranting about "blood baths" and bragging about his plans to be a dictator while building prisoner camps. It's more important than ever to understand what we are voting for and what must be avoided at all costs.

In addition to talking about his right to kill people without legal repercussions, he has also worked hard for many years to dissolve the public's trust in voting, and experts on dictators warn that this is a common step that he is pairing with is promise to get rid of the voting system. His plan is to stay in power like all the other dictators until his death, ensuring the end of democracy in America.

Is Trump Psycho Enough to Kill? w/ Dr. Bandy Lee 

12:27 minute video talks about the phycological shift happening in America as politics becomes radicalization, a comparison to what doctors have seen in psychiatric wards when infectious individuals are left near healthy people. The video ends with a hopeful and helpful section discussing ways to help loved ones return to their senses after showing these disturbing symptoms.

Every Vote Matters - Help Mobilize Your Community

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.

Threats to Democracy

Voter Suppression

The Voting Rights Alliance

The Voting Rights Alliance is a growing non-partisan network of organizations, activists, and legislators working to restore and protect voting rights from concerted attacks that undermine our access to the polls, and to have our votes fairly counted. 


Election Denial


Costa Rica

Register to Vote

Know the Issues

Know the Candidates

Vote on Election Day

Know the Issues

5:44 minute video explores how bad the water shortage has become, and footage of the president pretending that "there is no water shortage" as companies including coca cola which are taking advantage of Mexico's water supplies at the expense of the citizens and environment.

Puerto Rico



Election Guide "the most comprehensive and timely source of verified election information available online. This database houses details on upcoming nationwide elections and referendums around the world. We include data on electoral systems, political parties and candidates, and key issues at stake in each election.

Click the link and scroll down for a map of current and upcoming elections around the globe.



North America
