Pollution Cleanup


Clean ups by their very nature can be dangerous. People have been cut by sharp objects including fishing hooks while cleaning up rivers so make sure to use gloves and protective footwear. Cleaning up in brushy areas can result in scratches from bushes or vines, so long sleeves and trouser legs will help protect your skin from these as well as sunburns or allergy triggers.

When cleaning up oil spills or other chemicals, be especially careful to have the right types of gloves, breathing gear, and even goggles. Some types of cleanup need to be left to professionals with heavy equipment. Organizations need to ensure that workers and volunteers understand safety concerns and are equipped with proper materials. 

Clean-Ups by Type

Different types of pollution have different health impacts on humans and wildlife, they also require different equipment and techniques. 

Manmade Pollution

Plastic Pollution

Click the Plastic Cleanup button to learn about methods and equipment for removing plastic from aquatic environments. The page also includes maps that show where plastic enters environments such as the ocean, and how it moves around with ocean currents.


Click the PFAS Cleanup button to learn about different methods and species that can help us remove PFAS from the environment and our bodies. We also have a PFAS page explaining how PFAS gets into the environment, and how to avoid buying products with PFAS in them.

Tools & Apps

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North America


The goal of A2 is to help communities fight back. We do that by providing them organizing support, scientific and technical guidance, and better access to foundation and government funding. Most of all, our work consists of listening to our frontline leaders. Their experience, research, and solidarity guide everything we do, and offer a path toward environmental and social justice.

Supported by outstanding partner organizations with expertise in engineering, hydrology, public health, planning, and the law, A2 leaders have successfully halted developments in climate-vulnerable areas; implemented nature-based hazard mitigation strategies; organized home buyouts; and pushed for clean-ups at superfund sites, toxic landfills, and petrochemical plants.

We support everyone we can, but our special priority is people who have suffered the worst environmental impacts for the longest time; that usually means low-income, Black, Latinx, Native American and other underserved communities.

To learn about our policies, read our A 10-Point Platform on Climate Change."

Grants & Funding

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