

Hedgehogs range live in Asia, Europe, and Africa. They have sharp quills and hunt for bugs at night, making them friends of gardeners and farmers alike!

If you live in a country where hedgehogs are native, you can try to help your local hedgehogs or support your local wildlife groups.

You can help them locally if you have access to the following places:

Since farms use almost 50% of habitable land, farmer actions have the biggest impact on hedgehog habitats. Go pesticide free, and consider making other changes to help these little creatures!

Dew ponds are ancient water harvesting infrastructure build in the UK and other parts of Europe. They are somewhat mysterious, can survive for centuries, and (when restored or maintained) can provide critical habitat for wildife.

Hedgehogs love messy gardens with plenty of wild plants to investigate, but they may also hibernate in any log piles, so check before burning, or don't burn at all!

These are wonderful for providing water, but can be dangerous to our short-legged friends, so include a ramp or similar intervention to help them climb out, so that they don't drown when they try to get a drink.


Much like their names imply, hedgehogs love hedges, which provide them with shelter and food sources.

Threats to Hedgehogs

Habitat Loss & Fragmentation

In Europe, century-old hedges are being neglected, or even torn down to create larger farms or urban areas.


Slug pellets and other types of poison not only kill of the prey of animals including hedgehogs and endangered birds, but the poisons can also harm these predators directly. If they consume multiple bugs that have come into contact with poison, the poison can bioaccumulate to make them sick or even kill them.


The Pet Trade

These are cute animals, but please think twice before buying them from pet shops!

Many exotic "pets" including birds and fish are violently poached from the wild, meaning they can no long perform their biological functions for the environment. They are often so stressed and improperly cared for than shockingly high numbers of these "pets" never actually make it to pet shops, or die shortly after being taken to their new homes. 


In some places, people believe that the quills of hedgehogs have medicinal qualities, even though they are made of the same material as finger nails.

Never buy medicines made from hedgehog quills, as they support this illegal activity, and won't help your health at all.


Help Hedghogs in Your Garden

The following tips are suggested by Hedgehog Street, and include solutions such as avoiding pesticide use, creating hedgehog homes such as log piles, and putting a ramp in your garden pond so that they can drink but not drown.

Hedgehog Highways

Every small action can help expand hedgehog habitat, but the species will have even better success if we can coordinate with others in our community to create true wildlife corridors, both big and small.

The following are a few ways we can each help these small animals on a personal property scale. So try one or more out, and help spread the word!


Hedges provide hiding spaces plus food for hedgehogs. Instead of impervious barriers, they can instead function as wildlife corridors. 

Hedges can provide additional benefits to humans including blocking light and noise pollution. Depending on the species you plant, you can harvest the bushes berries, nuts, and enjoy watching pollinators visit the flowers. Try to pick native species!


If you have a wood, metal, cement, brick, or stone barrier, consider adding a hole, or including holes in the original design.

Raised Fences

Metal or wood fences can be raised off the ground a little to provide enough room for small animals including hedgehogs to crawl under, while keeping in larger animals such as dogs or human children.

Remove Old or Unnecessary Fencing

Barriers which are damaged or not needed can cause more harm than good, so consider removing old barriers if they aren't protected for historical preservation reasons, and aren't serving their original purpose. For example if livestock or dogs are no longer present, or your kids are old enough to avoid running into busy roads.

Record & Report Sightings

These can help scientists, conservationists, and developers understand where hedgehogs hang out, which can help us determine how to help these little animals.


Northern Ireland

Non-Lethal Pest Control

Slug and snail pellets not only kill off a hedgehog's prey, but if the hedg

Resources & Tools

How to Help Hedgehogs

Hedgehog Highway Signs & Homes for Sale

3D Print Designs for Hedgehogs







Grants & Funding



National award schemes There are a number of key organizations offering grants and advice to community based projects e.g.