Civic Activism


Civic activism focuses on engaging with politicians and governing bodies to ensure that laws and regulations help to protect us and our planet, instead of doing unjust harm.

Civic activism can focus on human rights, animal rights, environmental protections, taxing as a tool to encourage or discourage certain behaviors, as well as punishing companies or others who cause harm.

Legal Protections for People & Planet

Dark-sky laws and initiatives help protect human health and prevent wildlife deaths while also combating wasteful energy use and the resultant pollution.

Right to Repair protects consumers from the companies and corporations pushing for planned obsolescence. People have the right to maintain and repair products that they have purchased, including farmers having the legal right to maintain or improve their own farming equipment. These types of laws also protect repair shops from cripplingly high costs and gives them legal access to blueprints and diagnostic equipment produced by the product's company. 

Keeping products out of land fills not only saves consumers money, but also protects our environment and prevents overfilling of landfills.

Types of Civic Activism

Civil Disobedience

"Civil disobedience is the active, non-violent refusal to accept the dictates of governments. It informs them that unjust actions will be opposed and the people will act illegally if pushed to do so.

Civil disobedience causes disruption and focuses attention, while forcing debate with the aim of bringing about fundamental and progressive changes within our societies and our world.

Acts of civil disobedience do not have to be extreme. We can all be activists. Small actions can lead to larger ones, and can provide inspiration to individuals who may be unsure where to funnel their concerns. This in turn can help lay the pathway to further understanding and global change." - 

Contact Your Representative

Unless politicians know what their constituents want and need, they are unlikely to provide things we desperately need to help the environment and our communities. When people remain silent on issues, it's easy for politicians to assume "no one cares" but by phoning, writing, and messaging these leaders, we can encourage them to make meaningful choices that will help both ourselves and generations to come!

Click the Contact Your Rep button to learn more about how to communicate important information to a representative, how to find the right person, and a growing, international directory to help you find your rep.


Were You Misled by Seafood Scams?

Have you been affected by a retailer's seafood sustainability claims?

"1-800-law-firm understands that the sustainable label increases sales of fish products, but in some cases, that label is misleading as it hides from public view the “non-sustainable” practices engaged in by certain fisheries.  Some “certifiers” have no enforcement of their own standards which results in massive abuses including, injuries and death to large numbers of marine mammals, sea turtles, and sharks due to preventable incidental bycatch and entanglements in discarded fishing gear. 

Our team is investigating claims that any retailer selling commercially caught fish and seafood certified by MSC cannot truthfully claim that their products are “certified sustainable seafood”.  If you purchased a seafood product based on a retailer's sustainability claims and feel that you were misled, visit our website at and fill out the form to schedule a no-obligation, free claim review."


Voting is a vital, but often overlooked way to help our planet and the people we care about. In the USA, apparently 50% of environmentalists don't actually vote even if they are registered. The more of us who vote all over the world, the more Earth-friendly representatives we could potentially have writing laws, supporting a green shift, and holding polluters accountable.

Click the Vote button to learn if and how you can register to vote, where to vote, and more. Please be patient as some of our pages need some more work. If we're missing info for your area, please let us know.



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