Gray Water Safe Soaps

Grey Water Uses

Grey water is lightly-used water (generally from showers, baths, washing machines, sinks) that can be reused for activities like flushing toilets or urinals, or even watering plants including lawns and crops, dust control, minimizing foundation cracking, keeping compost moist enough to decompose.

If water will just be used for toilet flushing, then the quality isn't particularly important, but if it's being used to grow crops, create compost, or for landscaping, then you'll want to make sure no harsh or toxic chemicals from common cosmetics or cleaners will be present to harm plants or wash away with rainfall into ground water or waterways.

Further Reading

You may also be interested in Grey Water Systems, and other Water Harvesting options, or click on our Toilets button to learn about different types of toilet, including low-flush and no flush systems. Some use rainwater or grey water.

To understand what human activities use and pollute the most water, click the Water button for an idea of what personal actions can put the biggest dent in your water footprint.