Paddle & Row Boats


Canoes and similar boats were among the first types of transport humanity invented, since then cultures across the world have come up with a wide variety of designs and techniques, but all the same paddling and rowing are eco-friendly and healthy modes of transportation.

Benefits of Rowing & Paddling

Health Benefits

Cleaner Air

Since rowing doesn't produce dangerous emissions like gas-powered engines do, we can keep the air cleaner for ourselves and the environments we travel through.

Mental Health

Exersize and going outside are both wonderful for mental health and wellness  benefits. Much like hiking, getting out on the water is a soothing and revitalizing way to travel. The quietness of this transit mode also increases the likelihood of participants seeing wildlife including birds, turtles, frogs, mammals, dragonflies, and other fascinating creatures.

Noise Pollution

Loud engines can cause hearing damage while ruining the serene experience of being out in nature, and enjoying the water.

Locations for Paddling & Rowing

Greenways & Greenbelts

These often include rivers, bayous, or streams. When wide and long enough, these can be ideal routes for travel, even if (or perhaps especially if) your community is suffering from severe flooding.

Locations for Paddling & Rowing

Greenways & Greenbelts

These often include rivers, bayous, or streams. When wide and long enough, these can be ideal routes for travel, even if (or perhaps especially if) your community is suffering from severe flooding.
