Native Garden
Table of Contents
These are gardens that specifically focus on growing whatever species are native to your region. This means the appropriate plants grown will vary depending on where you live: hemisphere, growing zone, country, region, and even eco-regions within your state/parish/county.
Click the Wildflowers button to learn about your local natives.
Native gardens are particularly important for native wildlife including pollinators, birds, bats, and more.
You can grow and learn about your regions history, medicine, and cuisine just by acquiring and growing them.
Youth Led Native Garden | Suwa'lkh School & Fresh Roots | Coquitlam Heritage
4:27 minute video about a youth-led native garden, which grows edible and medicinal plants.
It is vital to weed out invasive plants to make room for the natives, so this kind of garden is a constant learning experience as you learn to differentiate native from invader. You'll see more wildlife return to your area and be able to harvest valuable plants for tea, salads, and other uses.
Apps & Tools
Bee Score: Flower Finder "Select the flowers you have in your garden, then hit continue to find out your current bee kind score. If you’re not sure exactly which plants you have, try clicking the filters on and off to help identify the bee-friendly flowers in your garden." This is hosted by and for UK residents, so you won't get a bonus for "native species" if you live outside the UK, and might see your local natives listed as "non-native" or get an "invasive penalty" even if those plants are fine where you live, but this is still a fun and educational resource.
Bee Score: Flower Finder "Select the flowers you have in your garden, then hit continue to find out your current bee kind score. If you’re not sure exactly which plants you have, try clicking the filters on and off to help identify the bee-friendly flowers in your garden." This is hosted by and for UK residents, so you won't get a bonus for "native species" if you live outside the UK, and might see your local natives listed as "non-native" or get an "invasive penalty" even if those plants are fine where you live, but this is still a fun and educational resource.
Guides & Resources
Bee-Friendly Gardening
Autumn/Winter Garden Maintenance Guide "The autumn and winter months can be challenging for our hardworking pollinators, but we can all do something in our outdoor spaces to help bumblebees survive and thrive!
Download this guide to discover how you can create and protect potential hibernation spots for bumblebee queens, prepare for next year with some easy maintenance jobs and autumn/winter planting, and feed the bumblebees who do remain active over winter." The planting suggestions are specifically for UK residents, but could also work in other places. Just be careful to pick native plants whenever possible to avoid introducing anything invasive.
How-To: Seed Bombs
Make Your Own Bee-Friendly Seed Balls (PDF) be aware that the planting suggestions are specifically for UK residents, but could also work in other places. Just be careful to pick native plants whenever possible to avoid introducing anything invasive.
Nature-Friendly Gardening
Gardening for Nature Recovery Poster (PDF) "The Bumblebee Conservation Trust has teamed up with We Have The POWER to bring you these 11 simple actions you can take to support wildlife in your outdoor space – whether it is a window box, balcony, garden, or allotment or community green space."
Gardening for Bats
Butterfly Conservation: Wild Spaces: Put Your Wild Space on the Map "Our interactive map shows the number and types of Wild Space near you. When you sign up in the UK, your Wild Space will also appear on the map so you can show everyone that you're taking action and encourage others to get involved too."
Butterfly Conservation: Wild Spaces: Put Your Wild Space on the Map "Our interactive map shows the number and types of Wild Space near you. When you sign up in the UK, your Wild Space will also appear on the map so you can show everyone that you're taking action and encourage others to get involved too."
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation "is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. As a science-based organization, we both conduct our own research and rely upon the most up-to-date information to guide our conservation work. Our key program areas are: pollinator conservation, endangered species conservation, and reducing pesticide use and impacts."
North America
Pollinator Partnership Canada "is a registered charity dedicated to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems through conservation, education, and research."
Wild Ones "promotes native landscapes through education, advocacy, and collaborative action."
Camp Monarch "is a newly founded nonprofit committed to addressing the loss of vital habitats for the Monarch Butterfly and many other species across North America. Right now, we are a small but dedicated team of passionate individuals determined to take action for wildlife and biodiversity. Our work begins by laying the foundation for a network of habitat restoration projects, with a focus on empowering landowners to be part of the solution.
As we get started, we’re recruiting founding members who share our vision of restoring fragmented ecosystems and reconnecting wildlife corridors. Our work may still be in its early stages, but we know that with the right people, every small step will lead to big impact."
Grants & Funding
National award schemes There are a number of key organisations offering grants and advice to community based projects e.g.
Big Lottery Fund "Groups can apply to us for funding under £20,000, or over £20,001, depending on what they want to do."
Heritage Fund "We fund projects of all sizes that connect people and communities to the UK’s heritage."
Grow Wild UK "Bringing people together to value and enjoy wildflowers and fungi"
North America
Prairie Garden Grants Program "Gardening and other conservation groups, parks, schools, and other entities in Missouri and immediately surrounding states are invited to submit proposals to MPF’s Prairie Garden Grants Program. In 2024, MPF would like to award several grants to help fund the establishment or improvement of prairie gardens or plantings. Grants will not exceed $800 each. Those with smaller projects are encouraged to apply as well. Matching funds are not required, but proposals with secured matching funds may be evaluated higher than others."
South Carolina
Bradford Pear Bounty "Bradford pears are not native to the U.S. and have been widely planted in South Carolina for years. While the blossoms are pretty, they have a pungent odor and the trees often break during storms. Even worse, Bradford pear trees directly contribute to one of the worst invasive plant species in the Southeast – the Callery pear. This program will give homeowners the option to remove Bradford pears and replace them with native trees. Doing so will help reduce the amount of seed that can grow into Callery pears and will help diversify the urban landscape.
Property owners are encouraged to exchange up to five (5) Bradford Pear trees for an equal number of FREE, healthy, native, young replacement trees, a one-for-one replacement."
Western Australia
Native Plant Subsidy "Native plants provide natural food sources and shelter for native animals, are water wise and can help cool your home naturally. To help you create a waterwise garden, the City of Cockburn offers native plant subsidies to both residents and schools."
The Sustainability Grants Program (in the City of Cockburn) "offers funding for projects related to six sustainability themes. Open to small businesses, schools, not-for-profits, and collective households, successful applicants can receive up to $4,000 for their project."