Wind Energy

Life Expectancy: 20-30 years.

Pro: Turbines can be places in wide open places, or out at sea. Some companies have found ways to make wind energy quiet and with

Con: Can be noisy, some designs can harm birds, intermittent energy as wind speeds and durations fluctuate, can be damaged by storms.

Solution: Bubble curtains can help reduce or even eliminate marine noise pollution during the construction process. 

Fuel/Materials: Wind


"Wind energy has the potential to provide 10 to 15 percent of future world energy requirements, according to Paul Dimotakis, chief technologist at JPL. If ocean areas with high winds were tapped for wind energy, they could potentially harvest up to 500 to 800 watts of wind power per square meter, according to Liu's research. Dimotakis notes that while this is less than peak solar power, which is about 1000 watts per square meter on Earth's surface when the sky is clear and the sun is overhead at equatorial locations, the average solar power at Earth's mid-latitudes under clear-sky conditions is less than a third of that. Wind power can be converted to electricity more efficiently than solar power and at a lower cost per watt of electricity produced." - 

Job Opportunities

Types of Wind Power

The Drawdown Project's "mission is to help the world reach “drawdown”—the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible." The following links explore how different types of wind power will support our transition to renewable grids while reducing atmospheric GHG emissions. Their main focus is carbon, but with the methane, small particle pollution, and other dangerous leaks from the fossil fuel industry, there will be additional benefits from making this switch.


This type of wind energy capture requires technical knowledge, industrialization, factories for parts, legislative and monitoring requirements, not to mention large investments of money, however they benefit entire communities giving them massive potential against climate change.

Emerging Wind Technology

Roof top wind turbines present a few problems according to the link to the right. For example, "The smaller devices do not produce enough energy to be cost-effective. Plus, their quickly spinning blades create noisy vibrations, and their many moving parts are more prone to breakage. Compared with passive rooftop solar panels, wind turbines have the potential to be quite high-maintenance. " However new technology may make roof-top wind a better choice than with previous models.

Passive Cooling for Buildings 

Using ancient (eco-friendly) technology such as stone or plant-based building materials, and modern technological advances such as aerodynamics modeling with computers before committing to a building design is making this option more appealing than ever. This passive cooling opportunity is suddenly seeing a resurgence of use around the world, after it's historical decline of jaali and windcatchers in Asia and the Middle East after the introduction of glass windows. 

Modern A/C systems work by pushing hot air outside, ironically heating the outside area, which both increases global warming, while making their communities more dangerous for people and animals who don't have the luxury of inside cooling. By switching to passive cooling, we cut our energy bills, and stop creating inhospitable temperatures for those without access to A/C.

Romans and many other cultures have found incredible ways to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, and in the Mediterranean today you can still see white painted homes designed to reflect sunlight. This section explores both historical solutions as well as modern advancements and data.

Jali / Jaali

Passive Laundry Drying

We often think of line drying laundry to be a solar-powered technique, but it's good to know that this method still works at night and indoors. Sunlight will speed the drying process and has antibacterial benefits, it'll help with bleaching too! However on rainy days or nights you can bring laundry in and dry it on a rack or line. A window cracked open to encourage air movement will help speed up the drying process compared to an enclosed space with no air movement.

Resources for Line Drying Laundry

Wind Powered Transport: Sails

"Around 90 per cent of world trade is carried by sea, and the French Association of Shipowners has predicted that five per cent of this could be carried by wind-powered ships in future. Clearly, sail ships cannot match the speed of modern cargo vessels, but there are many types of goods which are not perishable and where speedy delivery could be of secondary importance." - 

"Airseas projects the kite could cut fuel costs up to 20%, depending (of course) on the winds. And popular shipping routes already take advantage of the prevailing winds (which coincide with currents) to help push the ship along. Adding a kite would help significantly more." - 

We mostly think of boats when we think of sails, but the link to the left describes a variety of land-based transport designs. We have included some fun but simple, DIY, wind-powered car projects for students on our For Teachers page under "Engineering" and "Technology & Biotechnology".

Marine Noise Pollution

Noise pollution under water is a growing threat to the entire food web, from plankton to whales. Changes to speed and propeller's can help, but wind power offers another solution to rapidly decrease noise pollution under the waves.

Waste Management for Sailing

"Sailing is an activity which really celebrates resourcefulness and practical thinking; skills which future generations will need in order to recycle and reuse items that are currently destined for landfill. The latest data from the EPA shows that while recycling rates have improved over time, there is still more waste generated per person. Sailing calls for traditional practical skills such as repairing sails, maintaining the assistance motor and practicing tying knots competently, to keep your vessel safe and sea worthy. Millennials do have one advantage here; the prevalence of online tutorials means that while these skills may currently be lacking, it’s always possible to learn them." - 

Windmills for Farms/Small Scale

Today farmers can still use wind, but may need to check with their local authorities or deed restrictions about the legality and requirements for building or installing turbines. Turbine-free options are also available, but sound generation and repair/maintenance costs will generally be among the top concerns.

Impact of Wind Power


Neutral or Negative


Birds can be injured when flying between turbines, particularly when turbines are put in a migratory flight path, and when they above certain speeds. Scientists have been working on models that are less harmful to birds, or that are totally incapable of harming birds.


Turbines can create noise pollution, which is particularly noticeable in otherwise quiet locations. Some people find the noise annoying while others are not bothered.

Marine Noise Pollution

8:04 minute video explores the Fossil Fuel Industry's claims that wind turbines are killing whales.

Noise pollution from construction can massively impact aquatic species from glass sponges and the plankton their consume to marine mammals such as whales. 

On solution for this is the use of bubble curtains which can dampen the noise to prevent harm to some species, though not all are benefited equally.

Click the Noise Pollution button to learn more.

1:09 minute video showing bubble curtains in use during marine construction and while measuring the effects on the area outside the dual-line bubble screen.

Storm Damage

The most common type of storm damage comes from lightning strikes which can damage the blades.

Infrastructural Needs & Solutions


North America


Maps & Site Selection

International Map


South Africa




North America




South America

Financial & Funding

North America


Turbine Parts, Manufacturers & Installers






North America





