Africa Voter Information


Register to Vote

Know the Issues

Know the Candidates


Register to Vote

Know the Issues

Know the Candidates

Elections in Gabon (trying to find something more up-to date)

Vote on Election Day


Register to Vote

Know the Candidates

Vote on Election Day


Register to Vote

How to Vote

Polling Units
At a polling unit, a citizen can either register to vote or vote. It is advisable to select a Polling Unit close to your area of residence due to the restricted movement on election days.
You can locate your polling unit by using the Polling Unit Locator Tool.

Know the Issues

Know the Candidates

Political Parties Listed by names, logos, and acronyms.

Vote on Election Day

Polling Units
At a polling unit, a citizen can either register to vote or vote. It is advisable to select a Polling Unit close to your area of residence due to the restricted movement on election days.
You can locate your polling unit by using the Polling Unit Locator Tool.

South Africa

Lebanese Elections

Lebanon is in the Middle East, so we should copy paste this info over there.


Election Guide "the most comprehensive and timely source of verified election information available online. This database houses details on upcoming nationwide elections and referendums around the world. We include data on electoral systems, political parties and candidates, and key issues at stake in each election.

Click the link and scroll down for a map of current and upcoming elections around the globe.

