Eco-Friendly Business


Businesses are generally understood to be the reason we're in our current ecological crisis, with scientists warning that "business as usual" will be a death sentence for humanity and life on Earth.

This page is intended to help guide businesses away from mutual destruction, and towards a world of fairness, circular economy, and rejuvenation of the planet.


Greenwashing refers to the increasingly common practice of advertising "green" product qualities or services that have little to no impact. In some cases the result is actually worse than standard practice or products.

Greenwashing might result in some short-term sales, but once people get wise to the scam, they get irritated and distrustful of future "green" claims. Be wary not to fall for making small, surface level changes or "feel good gimmicks" instead of focusing on high-impact and meaningful changes.

Organization of This Page to Reflect Impact of Topics

We've tried to organize information with higher-impact topics first, both on this page and others on this site. Directories are generally listed by location and alphabetically. We try to leave comments to indicate when we have or haven't been able to assess level of impact in an attempt to be as honest and transparent as possible. Transparency within an organization as well as with the outside world is vital if we're going to successfully build trust, learn, and improve. Accuracy and focus on how impacts compare across the many aspect of our actions and choices are vital to ensure we are all maximizing our impact, instead of greenwashing or fooling ourselves into a false sense of security.

Rate of Extraction

"Our natural resources are being degraded at an unprecedented rate, with nearly 1 million species facing extinction because of human activity such as intensive land use, pollution and overexploitation of resources. For example, global resource extraction has tripled during the past 50 years, from 27 billion tonnes in 1970 to 92 billion tonnes today.

The United Nations has calculated that the loss of healthy ecosystems around us could cause a decline in global gross domestic product of $2.7 trillion annually by 2030. That’s $338 for every person on the planet every year.

While much of the research and attention in recent decades has focused on the very direct existential impact on livelihoods, particularly in developing nations, data on the critical and intricate interplay between ecological destruction and the stability of the financial system are relatively recent. These will act as a wake-up call for investors." - World Economic Forum


Modern business principles dictate endless expansion and growth, as if we lived on a planet with endless resources. The truth is that we live in a small ball in space, 71% of which is un-drinkable salt water. Only about 71% of Earth's land is habitable, but 46% of that is already used for farming

We've lost about 1/3rd of the planet's forests, but reckless expansion and destruction of the world's best soils means we constantly convert more wilderness into short-term profit, often leaving it too trashed to sustain life as we go. 

With the human population still growing, farmers still burning forests to graze more livestock, and mining or drilling operations leaving land too poisoned for other uses or wildlife to survive on.

Despite "living in a time of plenty" where we are growing more food than every before (currently estimated to be enough to feed 12-14 million people), the number of hungry people has risen to around 828 million per year. 

While deforestation for meat and animal feed has risen to record highs due to subsidies which scientists have repeatedly cautioned against, much of the resulting meat and dairy ends up stored in warehouses, caves, foisted onto poorer nations where it causes a variety of problems, or simply thrown away. The data indicates that simply cutting out meat and dairy production could reduce agricultural land use by 75%, while being able to produce enough food for everyone.

Similarly the fashion industry produces more clothing than anyone can actually wear, generally these are cheap products that fall apart after one wear, use large amounts of fossil fuels and other chemicals to produce, destroy water resources, then get dumped in deserts or burned near poor villages.

With this in mind, along with other useful data, the logical move is to reduce the rate of extraction, production, and consumption. Instead focusing businesses towards services (like health and mental therapy), and a circular economy, reparability, adjustability, permaculture practices, and many other solutions which can fit together to give humanity better quality of life with less destruction.

Circular Economy

Circular economy refers to building and maintaining systems which eliminate waste via repair, reuse, and recycling. Products need to be reusable, repairable, and be easily broken down into materials which can be upcycled, recycled or at the very least composted. 

Some examples include:

Right To Repair 

"Right to repair is a legal right for owners of devices and equipment to freely modify and repair products such as automobiles, electronics, and farm equipment. This right is framed in opposition to restrictions such as requirements to use only the manufacturer's maintenance services, restrictions on access to tools and components, and software barriers.

Obstacles to owner repair can lead to higher consumer costs or drive consumers to single-use devices instead of making repairs. While the global community is concerned over the growing volume of the waste stream, especially electronic waste, the debate over the right to repair has been centered on the United States, India, and the European Union.[citation needed] Right to repair may also refer to the social movement of citizens putting pressure on their governments to enact laws protecting a right to repair.[citation needed]" - Wikipedia 


Adjustable Clothing

In addition to making clothing out of better quality/more sustainable materials like hemp or nettles, returning to sturdier construction practices, and reducing chemical use, we should also reconsider how we think about clothes in general.

While not everyone is ready to become nudists to help the planet, we can reduce the amount of clothing we need by making clothing design more flexible and interchangeable. 

As a customer, I've found that I and my friends love a piece of clothing with useable pockets, different ways to wear the same piece, and anything with the ability to grow or shrink with out bodies as we go through different stages of life.

Adjustable clothes can include:

The Quiet History of Adjustable Clothing    [from a non-historian] 

24:54 minute video exploring the recent rediscovery of techniques that our ancestors took for granted.

Employee Welfare

These topics may also cover members of organizations, volunteers, temporary workers, contract workers, etc.

Shorter Work Week

"The 4 day week is a reduction in the work week from a standard 40 hours to 32 hours for the same pay and benefits. This reduction has been proven to work for employees and employers." - 4DayWeek

Some of the benefits of a 4-day work week include:

300+ Companies with a 4 Day Work Week "Discover companies with a 4 day work week. Most of these companies work 32hr week at 100% salary and are hiring remotely. So, if you are a Software Engineer, Product Manager, Data Scientist or a Marketer, it's time to upgrade your work-life balance."

Work From Home

Work from home isn't for everyone but the pandemic helped prove that for millions of people it is a great way to cut transportation emissions, and reduce the number of hours dedicated to just sitting in traffic, which drains workers' energy while negatively impacting their physical and mental health.

Work from home can help employees focus and use their time more efficiently than in an office which may be full of distractions and long/pointless company meetings. Work from home can drastically improve an employee's work/life balance, helping them maintain their health,

Encourage Naps

“Given the latest science on the effectiveness of napping and the clear link between employees feeling well rested and their productivity, it’s long past time that businesses embrace short naps at work.”

According to studies "...habitual napping appears to be associated with a larger brain volume in adults, with scientists suggesting this raised the possibility the practice offers some protection against neurodegeneration..."

One researcher found that "among low-income urban workers in India found half-hour afternoon naps boosted attention, wellbeing and productivity."

"Prof Sara Mednick, of the department of cognitive sciences at the University of California, Irvine, agreed. “We are a sleep-deprived people, which makes us more prone to accidents at work, lower levels of creativity and concentration, and higher levels of irritability.”." - The Guardian

“Businesses providing a space to rest will reduce the costs that incur from the lost time and the fatigue-related errors. It also gives the higher-ups the chance to acknowledge the challenges of the 24/7 culture and come up with top-down solutions that encourage workers to take care of themselves in and out of work, which goes a long way in terms of retention.

Some businesses, including Thrive and HuffPost, have already introduced facilities for employees to take naps, with Google introducing sleep pods as far back as 2014 and companies including Nike and Ben & Jerry’s introducing nap rooms.

The practice has even been adopted by the NHS, with a growing number of hospitals introducing sleep pods for staff in an effort to help them get more rest. - The Guardian

Rethink Structure

Why Managers Exist (It's Not Why You Think)

15:19 minute video about the history of capitalism and why management positions were created.

Types of Business

This section covers different businesses that are needed/will be needed to help our green revolution. Click the buttons to learn more about each, and how each can contribute to a greener world.

Food Production & Distribution

Farms & CSAs

Farms use more land and water than any other human activity. They are also the biggest drivers of deforestation, while producing massive amounts of greenhouse gases, and water pollution. Click the Farmer Actions button to learn how farming affects our planet, and simple ways to reduce this impact.

The livestock page explores the many surprising impacts of livestock on people and the environment.

Switching away from a business model can be intimidating, so we've gathered a long list of suggestions used by farmers around the world who are moving away from livestock, and finding eco-friendly alternatives. The Alternatives to Livestock page also includes practical information such as farmer-lead organizations, and how-to guides for producing and processing some newer or lesser-known crops, including algae and leafu.

Community Supported Agriculture helps eliminate waste by ensuring buyers for a farmer's crops. Customers pre-purchase 

Farmer's Markets are important community gathering places where farmers and customers can communicate directly, leaving out middlemen and by extension huge amounts of waste. They can also be places were crafters can sell upcycled and recycled goods, charities can table for outreach, musicians and other artists can engage with their community. Some organizations also offer services such as composting or boomerang bags to further reduce ecological impact at these events.


These currently produce a staggering amount of waste, and their advertising encourages over-consumption of some of the most damaging foods. Changes to menus (both what is available and how they are presented) will likely make the biggest impact, but other changes like eco-friendly/washable/returnable takeout containers, and alterations to the buildings themselves can make a reasonable impact in reducing everyone's eco footprints.

Energy Providers & Installers

The following links explore different types of eco-friendly energy production. They also contain lists of suppliers and installers, as well as related companies and testing facilities.

If you are a consumer, or run a business/organization and want to buy/support green energy via your utility use, please check out our Green My Energy page.

Waste Management & Reduction (Circular Economy)

Zero-Waste Shops

These can include bulk shops which sell groceries and other goods package free. Shops that resell second hand items like clothing, tech, and furniture. Even shops that take old things and upcycle or recycle them into new items like furniture. Click the button below to see our directory of such shops, or let us know of any we've missed.


Food and yard waste can make up to around 40% of a community's waste, but not everyone has the time, space, or physical ability to maintain their own compost. Food waste produces a larger quantity of more potent greenhouse gases in a landfill than when composted. Composting also helps to recycle much-needed nutrients back into our soil, and our food system at a time when we've lost around 50% of Earth's top soil in only 150 years.

We've created a page on How to Compost, to help people and businesses get started. As well as a listing of Composting Services for those who'd prefer to hire others to do this dirty work. Feel free to contact us if you run a composting service, but can't find it via our directory, and we'll happily add

Repair Shops & Cafés

Repair Shops employ repair technicians to maintain, repair, and refurbish various goods including machines, clothing, and furniture.

Repair Cafés may be run by professionals, or hobbyists with repair experience who teach people how to fix and maintain their own belongings.

Some of these places may offer only one or both of the above.

Solar Panel Recyclers

One of the biggest problems with solar panels has been that their production requires large amounts of rare elements to be mined (often using slave and child labor), then their low-rate of recyclability has meant that historically these resources end up in landfills after about 20 years. Now there's a growing number of recycling facilities that not only accept PV panels, but they've also been working to boost the percentage of each panel recycled with a goal of 100%.

Apps & Blockchains

Food Emissions

Plastic / Waste


North America



The following are different types of certification your organization or business can earn to demonstrate your commitment to helping create a healthier planet.


North America




Organizations & Networks

The following include groups that are dedicated to helping you find the best solutions for the environment and welfare while conducting business.




North America


South America


Education & Training Opportunities

North America


Grants & Funding


North America




Western Australia