

Once human-powered with a person pulling with two poles in the front, modern rickshaws then switched to fossil fueled models, and are now becoming increasingly available as electric.

Massive Cut to GHG Emissions

"Rise of electric rickshaw is a big deal in countries like India where air pollution has been a major problem for several years. And a study found that an electric rickshaw cuts between 3 and 6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. This ratio is roughly the same as the car emits annually in the United States.

The reason behind this ratio comparison is that even though e-rickshaws are more fuel-efficient in comparison to a mid-sized family sedan they are driven all day long instead of being parked for most of the time." - Electric Theory


Rickshaws generally lead-acid batteries. Click the Lead Acid Batteries button to learn more.

Benefits of Rickshaws

Small for Urban Travel

Being smaller than cars, helps these little vehicles get around urban areas without creating as much traffic.

Electric Vehicles

Traditional rickshaws were pulled by a person walking or running between two poles, then they became motorized, and began contributing to dangerous urban emissions. However modern models are increasingly electric, meaning cleaner air for the communities where they are used, lower running cost, and reduced maintenance issues. - AP News

Lower Running & Maintenance Costs = Better Income

Electric rickshaws are turning out to be a great investment for struggling families, providing more stability than those who have to worry about wildly fluctuating fossil fuel costs.

Clean Air Revolution

2 and 3 wheel transportation options in India "[account] for 90% of the country's nearly three million electric vehicles, they are at the forefront of India's transition to clean transportation.
In the case of electric rickshaws, they help decarbonize small trips.

"The market is basically pushing it and it's taking care of last mile mobility..." https://www.voanews.com/a/India's Transition to Electric Vehicles Powered by Three and Two Wheels 


If you are considering buying or converting to an electric or hydrogen rickshaw, click the Find a Charging Station button to find out where your local charging stations are located.

Similar Options

Cargo Bikes

These specialized bikes and trikes use pedal power with the option of battery assistance for uphill stretches, longer journeys, and faster moving traffic. They come in many shapes and sizes, including custom shelving, freezer boxes, and even taps for coffee or beer. They can be used for transporting children, pets, groceries, delivering goods, picking up trash, recycling, or compost, or even as mobile libraries.


These use pedal power with the option of battery assistance for uphill stretches, longer journeys, and faster moving traffic.

These are often bike or trike style vehicles with a seat or bench in the rear for school children, tourists, family members, or even vendors with their goods.







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