
Threats to Deer

Habitat Loss & Fragmentation



Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic wasting disease appears to transmit to humans when their meat is consumed. Deer hunters who often ate infected dear suffered rapid-onset of Sporadic CJD  (the human version of mad cow disease). These people became confused, violent, and died shortly after, despite aggressive treatment. Study: Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison 

Lack of Predators

Predators help keep herbivore populations healthy by taking out the sick and the weak. This promotes stronger, healthier genetics in the next breeding season, and prevents overpopulation which can lead to disease spread or even over browsing followed by starvation events.

Some claim that this is why hunters "must" hunt dear, however they tend to hunt the largest and healthiest animals, which leads to weaker, less healthy animals breeding in the future. Elephants have evolved to have smaller tusks, and deer tend to have less impressive antlers after multiple generations of this behavior. Fish populations suffer similar problems because humans choose larger fish, and throw back the smaller, less fertile specimens.

Ways to Support Deer

Water Sources

Dew Ponds

These are artificial water sources created on hills, to provide water to livestock and wildlife. They can continue to provide water even during droughts, without being artificially refilled, and can last for thousands of years with little to no maintenance.


North America


