Levels of Action

There are many ways to make our planet a better place. Pick and choose those that speak to your heart, that ignite the fire within you, and can be accomplished with your skills or current position.

We have suggestions, tools, and groups to help you on your way.

Four levels of action leading to social change are described by Will Grant. In his model, Level 1 encompasses individual action, Level 2 is action with friends and family, Level 3 is community and local institutions, and Level 4 is economy, policy change, and changing laws. In addition to the original four levels of activism, we propose two additional levels: 0, to include mental and physical wellness, and 5, to include global community action.

We can actually harness a wider, more transformative power through taking action at the family and community levels than on either the individual or legal scale. Family and community action helps us to connect with and empower one another. History has proven that the survivors of adversity, are not necessarily the strongest, nor the cleverest, but the most connected. Strength in numbers can only be found through unity.

“It is impossible to achieve a harmonization of man and nature without creating a human community that lives in a lasting balance with its natural environment.”

Murray Bookchin, Ecology and Revolutionary Thought

Many of us start with Level 1 activities, joining larger movements as we gain skill and confidence. While levels 2 and 3 are arguably the strongest, each level of action is important, building a framework for a sustainable system. Each contributes to the collective action of the community. We can harness the actions that are accessible to us without worry that we are not doing enough, and we can explore these abilities, hone them, and take pride in them. It is also important to meet others where they are at, instead of allowing ourselves to waste energy or kinship on feelings of resentment about "what is not". 

Level 0 : Take care of yourself and each other

It is well known that you can’t pour from an empty cup. If we run ourselves—and each other—to exhaustion trying to save the planet, then we have in some ways defeated the humanitarian aspect of our movement. So, somewhat selfishly, we'd like you all to take good care of yourselves. We all put ourselves in a better position to accomplish our goals if we practice care and compassion for ourselves and for one another.

Level 1: Individual actions

Level 2: Friends & Family

Click one of the buttons beneath to learn more:

Level 3: Community & Local Institutions

Level 4: Economy & Policy Change

Level 5: Global Community

This is very similar to level 3, but acknowledges that modern technology allows us to connect with individuals from all across the globe. This gives us a unique opportunity to find solidarity in a global movement, as well as to learn from one another and apply what we learn in our own lives and communities.

Studies have found that international cooperation and sharing the burden of climate action increases people's willingness to take on policies and actions that will impact their lives

Additional Resources

Will Grant - Four Levels of Action – Video interview with Will Grant, originator of the four levels of action

Drawdown Ecochallenge – A fun and social way to take measurable action on the top solutions to global warming

