Vegan Milkman Directory

Why use a milkman service?

Using such a service isn't guaranteed to be more eco-friendly, since many milk vans and floats are powered by diesel due to their heavy loads. However a growing number are powered electrically in part to provide a more quiet, early morning service, so it is worth contacting your local milkman service to find out how they make deliveries.

The big advantage of glass bottles is that they can be rinsed, sterilized and reused almost instantaneously, rather than having to go through a lengthy recycling process (most plastic is just downcycled anyway). Some companies reuse their bottles for an average of 20-80 times before they are recycled.

How to use this page

In the comments area beneath is a list of plant-based milkman delivery options by area: continent/region, and countries inside those areas (sorry I tried to make it alphabetical, but I'm still getting the hang of organizing this way). We've tried to find companies that offer mostly, or only plant-based products (exceptions made where such options are unavailable), and preferably in glass containers.

Due to covid, some companies no longer accept bottles for return and reuse, instead encouraging reuse or recycling. However we hope this will change when things become safer.

If you know of a company or milkman/route finder, then please let us know! If you feel like a company shouldn't be listed, that is also feedback which would be welcome!


Many milk services offer other products such as yogurts, kefir, butter, cheeses, and bakes goods such as bread. Some of the companies listed below even offer flours left over from their nut- and oat-based milks.

PlantBlend: Clean Dairy Lab offers recipes and more to help transitioning farms or new start ups jump into the game themselves.

Palsgaard "offers a series of emulsifier and stabilizer blends designed specifically to help manufacturers of soy, almond, peas, rice, oat and other plant-based drinks deliver the healthy and delicious dairy-alternative drinks consumers increasingly demand." They'll sent you sample milks with their recipes for inspiration and offer educational material for growing companies.

Why plant-based milks and other dairy alternatives?

As we explain on our cattle page, there are many environmental reasons to switch to plant-based substitutes. This article and its charts show how some of the most popular milk alternatives compare to dairy and one another.

Milkman Services by Region



South Africa

Cape Town Area


West Coast, South Africa


Hong Kong





United Arab Emirates



United Kingdom

Individual companies are listed by UK country beneath.



North America

Antigua and Barbuda



British Colombia









New York




New Zealand

We’re now offering regular delivery of Milk 2.0 every Saturday when you take on one of our weekly subscriptions. They are available in:

Auckland Central and South Auckland: We have opened up our delivery service to East Tamaki from Centeral Auckland

North Shore: We have opened up our delivery service to Orewa from Centeral Auckland

West Auckland: We have opened up our delivery service to Titirangi from Centeral Auckland"

South America

We have been unable to find any services for this area. Please let us know if you are aware of a service that fits this need!

Grants & Funding
