Plastic Cleanup

Resources & Toolkits

Apps & Blockchains

Guidance & Diversion Solutions

Bubble Barrier

This technology is used in the oil industry, dredging industry, and Dutch lock system. The bubbles create a wall which allows wildlife and boats to safely pass through. The system works most efficiently when placed at a diagonal to the river's flow, which uses the river's own power to propel the waste to the banks to collection points. 


Microplastics are estimated to account for 80% to 85% of marine litter. Some of it has shed from fishing equipment, shoes, tires, and ocean trash, but large deposits of microplastics have becomes concentrated around sewage outlets indicating that our laundry is another major source of this pollution.

Click the Laundry button to learn about filters and other ways to keep your laundry from dumping microplastic into the environment.


Clewat Technology

Clewat Capable of collecting 200 cubic meters of garbage per hour and capable of collecting 1/2 millimeter-sized particles. Operable with onboard controls. The catamaran-based technology is flexible, scalable. The machines can pick up plastic, harmful vegetation, and oil.


The Bandalong Litter Trap 

Bandalong's range of Litter Traps and Boom Systems provide solutions for capturing floating litter and debris. These capture and retain all floating litter and debris "regardless of tidal movement, varying water levels without impeding natural flow or endangering fish and wildlife." -

The Interceptor 

-"Under optimal operations, the Interceptor can extract 50,000 kilograms of plastic per day." "The Interceptor can store up to 50m³ of trash before needing to be emptied. This means it’s capable of operating even in the most polluted rivers all over the world." "The Interceptor is The Ocean Cleanup’s answer for river plastic waste. It is the first scalable solution to prevent plastic from entering the world’s oceans from rivers." "It is 100% solar-powered, extracts plastic autonomously, and is capable of operating in the majority of the world’s most polluting rivers." The bottom of this page shows the evolution of clean up technology designs.

Litter Traps such as the "Litter Gitter"

1:35 minute video from the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

Canal Cleaner and Circleaner by Noria

Nash Trap

The Nash Trap


StormXTM "is engineered to capture gross pollutants and handle powerful storm water runoff at most urban hot spots. Commercial grade, reusable nets provide full capture of gross pollutants as small as 5 mm, including organic materials (such as leaves) that could reduce the levels of phosphorous and nitrogen in our water. This economical solution to litter and debris in storm water runoff is highly effective for “first flush.” To prevent flooding, built-in overflows allow heavy runoff to flow unimpeded.

Storm Water Systems is the sole North American licensee and manufacturer of StormX. StormX is the ideal end-of-pipe solution for capturing floatables in combined sewer overflow applications. Additionally, StormX has a proven track record of success with zero failures for more than 15 years."

Statistics and Construction

Unique Features

** Purchasing Information**

Water Goat

2:10 Video demonstrating Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful's instalation

Collection Techniques

"This trash boom collects some of the floating trash until the trash skimmer boats can come by and collect it." Technique for scooping litter from inside a boom, and scooping it up on the out of the boom.

Programs & Projects



Accessible Technology to Recycle Recovered Plastics

Precious Plastic is a group dedicated to helping anyone, anywhere in the world build plastic-recycling technology from easily available parts.

Even though recovered plastic can be of questionable safety for applications such as food-storage, they can create very durable products such as park benches, well -insulated & low-cost homes, or even tracking devices for environmental studies (to track wildlife or ocean pollution). By carefully choosing which products we make from natural resources, vs which ones we create from recovered plastics, we can help close the pollution valve and create a circular economy, instead of one that supports the fossil-fuel industry.

It is imperative that we have affordable solutions so that entrepreneurs, communities, students, and environments organizations can access these solutions. Government funding could help create new industries, which could bring struggling fishermen and other at-risk groups steady, fair-pay jobs. These industries could help protect the environment.


In 2020 the USA exported more than 1 billions pounds of plastic to 96 nations including Kenya. A Kenyan material scientist found a way to produce bricks from recycled plastic that are stronger than traditional bricks which will hopefully help reduce the danger that pollution poses to her people. The project is being scaled up and should help with local housing and employment.

Recycled Products Already Made From Reclaimed Plastic


Litter Traps

Recycled Park

"Floating parks are a plus for cities. They bring more greenery to highly urbanized areas. In collaboration with the Municipality of Rotterdam, we developed green structures from recycled plastics. In this way, we can stimulate biodiversity in harbors. We constructed hexagon shaped building blocks where on, at and in vegetation grows. Through the park runs a small canal about half a meter deep, where birds, fish and micro-organism find food, breeding ground and shelter. 28 hexagon blocks of 5 square meters make our Floating Park in Rotterdam 140 square meters. It is located in the Rijnhaven, Tillemakade 99, and open for visitors." -

Trackers for Wildlife and Pollution

These can be incredibly durable


As millions of people are forced to repair and rebuild their homes, plus our population continues to grow. Building materials become more scarce. There are shortages especially due to Covid, deforestation, mining, pollution from shipping and manufacturing processes all working against us. By taking local pollution and turning it into highly durable materials, we can protect at risk communities from extreme weather, at less cost to our environment. Everyone deserves a sturdy home and a clean community, which innovative plastic-to-brick ventures are making possible. "In most of the areas where plastic pollution is highly concentrated also the housing situation is poor. People live in slums and have a high demand for durable shelter. The bricks can be used as building blocks to make many modular and circular designs." -

Home and Office








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Tools & Apps

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Grants & Funding

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