Indicator Species


What are Indicator Species?

"Indicator species are defined as species which can provide information on ecological changes and give early warning signals regarding ecosystem processes in site-specific conditions due to their sensitive reactions to them." - Earth Data: Indicator Species 

Different species can indicate different things to us. Some species such as fireflies and amphibians can indicate an untouched biome with minimal pollution including pesticides, light pollution, and low foot traffic (tourists often kills fireflies by unintentionally trampling them).

Other indicator species such as plants can indicate qualities such as acidic vs alkaline soil, high frequency flooding and lingering moisture (avoid building homes or businesses in such areas!), or other useful information.

Alternative Names

"They can also be called sentinel species, indicator organisms, biological indicators ('bioindicators'), biological markers, or environmental indicators. The latter three expressions do not necessarily refer to species but also to other environmental elements which can indicate environmental changes." - Earth Data: Indicator Species 

About This Page

We start out with basic information about what indicator species are, then list some common types and what they are often used to indicate. Further down the page we have a growing directory of regional guides and lists of indicator species. After that our Resources section includes general educational information for children and adults including basic class resources for younger kids, up to scientific papers explaining how to choose appropriate indicator species for habitat monitoring, as well as methodologies, field safety, and pitfalls to avoid.

How Indicator Species Help Us

Science & Policies

"Scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and experts in other research groups that study biomonitors use indicator species to gather data and formulate case studies or models of specific environments.

Since keystone species are more sensitive to climate change, studying them provides researchers with the comprehensive data needed to advise society on necessary changes. These recommendations could help populations make changes before it is too late for endangered species like the spotted owl or the African elephant, whose numbers are threatened."  - MasterClass: Indicator Species 

Examples of Indicator Species

5 Types of Indicator Species

"Indicator species, or biological indicators, are living organisms that rely on ecosystem health to thrive and reproduce. Scientists study these organisms to gather data on environmental changes. Here are five examples of indicator species:




"Butterflies are increasingly being recognised as valuable environmental indicators, both for their rapid and sensitive responses to subtle habitat or climatic changes and as representatives for the diversity and responses of other wildlife." - UKBMS: Butterfly Indicators 


"Dragonflies are an excellent bio-indicator (“bio” meaning living indicator) of water health. Their entire lifespan is intricately tied to the water which means they need high water quality to survive to adulthood. They are susceptible to high levels of pollution, such as physical garbage, chemicals and fertilizer runoff, and sediment erosion which can cover and suffocate eggs and nymphs.

Throughout their life cycle, dragonflies are also food for many predators like frogs and birds. This means any toxins in their body will bio-accumulate in animals found higher up on the food chain. While a single dragonfly may not have enough toxins present in its body to kill it, a higher up predator like a frog or swallow may accumulate enough toxins from all of its diet of dragonflies and other insects, resulting in mortality. This bodes even worse for top predators like hawks and falcons that eat animals like frogs or swallows." - Watersheds: Dragonflies as a Bio-Indicator of Water Health 


In addition to serving as an "ambassador species", the "platypus can serve as an indicator species of waterway health as they are usually the first to return to waterways after water quality rehabilitation and conservation efforts have been established." - Land Care NSW



These often indicate acidic soil.

Marine & Reef Indicator Species 

"There are certain fish, invertebrates, algae and coral that are indications of a healthy reef ecosystem.  During our monitoring efforts, we chart the absence or presence of these organisms to indicate the health of the reef.


Some species include margates, parrots, butterflies, nassau grouper, snapper, grunts, banded coral shrimp, trumpet tritons, pencil urchins, long spiny urchins, lobsters, flamingo tongues, sea eggs. sand, silt, hard coral, soft coral, sponges, NIA, rock RKC and rubble." - Diving with a Purpose: Indicator Species



Indicator Species by Region

This section is itended to give people a referance of their own local indicator species. These might not be full guides, particularly as we are constantly learning new ways in which different species can indicate important information.








North America












North America





