
Benefits of Otters

Keystone Species

"Sea otters significantly shape their communities by preying on sea urchins. Without the otters, sea urchins will grow in number and eat up the kelp forests that many other species depend on for habitat or food. Sea urchins can eat kelp at a rate of up to 30 feet per month, leaving barren sea floor in their wake. Luckily, sea otters are champion eaters, consuming up to 25% of their body weight daily – and sea urchins are their favorite food." - BestBees: Indicator Species and Keystone Species 

Kelp Forest Health

When otters disappear, sea urchin populations boom. These little creatures then eat away at the kelp and other food on the seafloor, causing a trophic cascade, and localized extinction event.

Threats to Otters

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