Cargo Bikes


Cargo bikes have long been used by individuals and companies to haul heavy items, take kids to and from school, power small businesses, and much more.

They are eco-friendly and with the invention of battery power, are more accessible than ever before.

Safety First!

Eco-friendly traveling can require us to consider things we might not have worried about before. 

General Tips for Stress-Free Travel

Benefits of Cargo Bikes

Endless Design Opportunities

Bike or Trike Design

Many cargo bikes are build using upcycled bike parts or custom made bike parts, but you can mix and match many designs, depending on the intended use of the cargo bike.


This is essentially a specially designed cargo bike for transporting small children, but it can also be used for hauling your groceries, pets, or other big loads.

A bicycle or tricycle with a long wheelbase between the front wheel and handlebars holding a large box, originally used solely to transport goods but now also commonly for carrying young children.

10:44 minute video gives a personal account of transporting kids with a car vs a bakfiets, including the benefit of improved stimulation provided by riding in the open, vs being stuck looking at a car's boring head rest.

Electric Assist

Starting, peddling, or breaking can be especially difficult with a heavily-loaded cargo bike. Fortunately modern batteries can help you go uphill, keep up with car traffic, or keep you going even if you have health, energy, or strength limits.

Economic Opportunities

For decades cargo bikes have been used to haul equipment and sell goods including ice-cream and popsicles.

A growing number of businesses are now turning to cargo bikes including major delivery companies for inner-city deliveries, and composting companies looking for emissions-free transportation solutions.

Cold Goods

Refrigerated coolers can carry ice-cream and other cold goods. - 

Composting Services

Click the Composting Services button to find bike-powered composting services near you.

Mobile Library Bikes

These can be a good way to expand existing libraries to members of the public, or as small mobile libraries for small and isolated communities.

Road Safety Tips


Community Activism

(Level 3 Activism)

School Zones


DIY Trailer Instructions

We have not tried to build all of these trailers ourselves, so use common sense and do adequate research before trying a project yourself. Always use protective gear and try to work with a knowledgeable person if you haven't done this type of work before yourself.


For bike-specific organizations, click the Bike Advocacy Groups button to learn which organizations are working in your area, or explore the International section for resource on how to start your own group.


North America


New York

The Transportation Renaissance in NYC is being Led by THIS Group

23:24 minute video "Discover the transformative infrastructure changes that TA has advocated for over the years- like the iconic Prospect Park West protected bike lane, the game-changing Queens Boulevard redesign, and the ever-expanding network of Citi Bike stations."





North America



North America



Further Reading

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