Carbon Dioxide

Drivers of CO2 Pollution

CO2 (much like methane) are natural parts of Earth's cycles, however there has been a massive increase of production 

The following are currently not organized by level of impact:

Energy Producers

Transit & Shipping

Food Production

Consumer Products

Tobacco & Cigarettes 

"Every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than 8 million human lives, 600 million trees, 200 000 hectares of land, 22 billion tonnes of water and 84 million tonnes of CO2."  - WHO

Crop Burning


Emit Less Emissions

Scientists agree that we need to reduce emissions to a net zero, but any reduction is better than our current global trajectory. 

The following are listed from greatest global impact to less impactful.

Transit Emissions

Building Emissions

Preserve Biodiversity

We need to preserve and protect what biodiversity we have left. We also need to restore damaged land and bodies of water so that they can go back to supporting healthy ecosystems. 

Specifically,     more biomass = more carbon storage.

The following are listed alphabetically at this time:


“Soil ecosystems are being destroyed at an alarming rate through agriculture, development and other industry, but the wider impacts of disruption of soil communities are poorly understood. When we disrupt the ancient life support systems in the soil, we sabotage our efforts to limit global heating and undermine the ecosystems on which we depend.

“More needs to be done to protect these underground networks - we already knew that they were essential for biodiversity, and now we have even more evidence that they are crucial to the health of our planet.”


Carbon Capture

At this time, carbon capture has not worked out despite having massive amounts of money thrown at it's development. Not only are some of the projects considered quite risky, but some have resulted in explosions. Right now experts warn that focusing on and overly relying on this so-far-failed method may detract funds that could be better used on already-proven carbon-reduction strategies.

Among the major issues:

According to Food and Water Watch "Carbon capture cannot be the centerpiece of any serious climate plan. Its track record makes it appear to be a handout to fossil fuel corporations, publicly financing their attempts to keep their harmful product viable. The truth is we need to move to 100% renewable energy by 2030, and no half-baked schemes are going to replace that course of action. No matter how inconvenient that is to the oil and gas industry, it’s a fact the rest of us need to keep in sight."

Apps & Blockchains





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Further Reading