

Overconsumption is a growing problem, over extraction from our land, water, and ecosystems is a growing problem, as are the pollutants and human rights violations that stem from these behaviors. 

The rich are getting richer by hoarding wealth, while the poorer are getting poorer, and a disproportionate amount of wealth is held by a shrinking few.

Healthy de-growth is possible when a country has healthy safety nets, and it's people allowed to have time to live, learn and grow with their families, friends, and communities, instead of spending more hours at work every week as wages fail to keep up with basic needs. 

This page is dedicated to exploring the many ways we can live healthy, full lives without relying on the destruction of our planet to fill the pockets of greedy CEOs.

Benefits of De-Growth

Reduced Pollution

Less overproduction will help our planet recover, reduce emissions associated with work-related travel and corporate energy use, reduce water pollutants, less wear on our infrastructure and more.

Benefits for Companies & Employees

4-Day Work Week

Work From Home (WFH)

This is another great way to cut business-related emission, reduce employee stress levels (for most at least), and allow for a better work/life balance.

How to Slow Consumption


These wonderful community places are famous for offering books, but these days they sometimes offer a lot more, including tools, puzzles, camping gear, entertainment and cooking supplies, plus more!

Nappies or Diapers

Families with infants in some countries spend as much as a 1/3rd of their income on disposable nappies.

Zero Waste



