

Bats are often keystone species within their environments, helping to pollinate, disperse seeds, and keeping pest species such as mosquitoes under control.

These important little mammals are under threat from a variety of issues including habitat loss, light pollution, noise pollution, and illness.

Types of Bat

"The two suborders differ in sensory and feeding characteristics. Megachiroptera are fruit- and nectar-feeding bats with a binocular visual pathway and rely on olfaction and vision to find food. Species of Microchiroptera consume a broad range of food including insects, fruit, nectar, small vertebrates, and blood." - ScienceDirect

Megachiroptera or Megabats

Also known as fruit bats or flying foxes. These generally feed on fruit and nectar, making them important for plant reproduction in two ways: pollination and seed dispersal. These bats have good vision and a keep sense of smell.

Microchiroptera or Microbats

These use echolocation to help them find prey including insects, fruit, nectar, small vertebrates. Some species even feed on blood, which is how we got myths about vampires and bats.

Some of these species include:

Threats to Bats

Light Pollution

Click the Darkness button to learn more about the importants of darkness for our wild neighbors.

Click the Light Pollution button to learn more about Light Pollution and what we can do about it.

Habitat Loss


Click the Forests/Deforestation button to learn about the worst drivers of deforestation, as well as practical alternatives.


These are disappearing, but super important for pollinating bat species as well as those who eat insects, since the insects rely on native plants too.

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