Conspiracy Theories & Misinformation


If we cannot be clear-minded, with a firm understanding of logic and reality, then we will struggle and fail to make effective strategies to protect ourselves, loved ones, communities, or our planet.

Misinformation can cause massive confusion which leads to inaction, or worse, actions that end up causing more harm, or worse, deaths.

Mental Health, Conspiracies, & Misinformation

Misinformation and Conspiracies

These are weapons being used to slow down humanity's progress in tackling climate change, habitat loss, over-extraction, pollution, and human rights violations. Many eco-focused projects are hampered when misguided people believe conspiracies instead of science, slowing or even killing projects like solar or wind farms before they are even built. One way to tackle this issue is through education at a young age, with a focus on STEM and logic skills so that people don't fall prey to sketchy science or bald-faced lies.

Mental Health

We're dealing with incredible stress globally from geopolitical and climate problems to conspiracy cults and corporate destruction, it honestly feels like we can't get a break any more. There are however things we can do to help protect ourselves from stressors, reduce our stress responses and take care of ourselves. 

Our Mental Health page is the first page we have on this topic, with various resources, but this will probably expand over time.

Green prescriptions are an emerging tool for human wellness, and greenbelts or greenways are an excellent solution to many environmental problems, but can also double as a perfect setting for green prescriptions or other wellness activities.


Narcissism is estimated to be present in 1 out of ever 6 people, and has negative impacts not only for the narcissist but the people and environment around the narcissist. Narcissistic abuse can cause severe mental health and even physical repercussions for people who have to live with or frequently interact with them. Even years or decades after escaping from one, you may suffer from decreased feelings of self-worth or confidence, which can reduce our belief that we can have a positive impact on big issues like climate change or local laws

They also have a dangerous tendency towards adopting conspiracy beliefs and trying to spread them, making them more likely to get sucked into climate change denial, anti-vax conspiracies, and political cults that pose a danger to people as well as our planet.

Narcissism & Conspiracy Beliefs

Destructive "Tools" of Narcissists

14:31 minute video talking about ways to assess if the person you are trying to talk or work with is using ignorance as a tool. This type of behavior can be exhausting, baffling, and discouraging. However, being able to identify if a person simply happens to be uneducated about a topic, vs purposefully trying to be difficult for control reasons, to avoid responsibility, or to get narcissistic supply can help us asses if they are worth continuing with.




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