Poison Free

Unintended Victims of Poisons



"The illegal killing of birds with poisoned baits and their accidental deaths from pesticides occurs on a global scale: Tens of millions have died, leading to a decline in numerous species’ populations."

"Birds of prey are targeted with poison baits if they are seen as predators by racing-pigeon enthusiasts, gamekeepers, livestock farmers, poultry farmers and fishermen. But what’s worse is that many times the birds are not even the intended target. They are often also accidental victims of pesticides targeted at mammalian predators (such as rodents, feral cats and foxes) and insects by farmers to protect livestock and harvests."


"Between 2009 and 2011 in Norway, 70% of Golden Eagles and 50% of Eurasian Eagle Owls had ingested anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs, the most widely used). In 2010, ARs were detected in 90% of Barn Owls, Red Kites and kestrels in the UK and 44% of Red Kites in France. Sub-lethal exposure to rodenticides can hinder the recovery of birds of prey from non-fatal collisions and cause lethargy, which impairs their hunting ability and increases the risk that they will starve." (maybe break this into graph form?) - Bird Life: Meet Pesticides, Silent Bird Killers Protect Our Crops


Our soil and plants rely on healthy, beneficial fungi to help them transport and aborb vital nutrients. Soil without these beneficial species ends up suffering increased nutrient loss which turns into run off and water pollution when we accidentally kill them off with pesticides, herbi




Non-Lethal Pest Control

All over the world people are coming up with and improving non-lethal pest control solutions from putting cloth over crops to a variety of ways to deter wolves and elephants from crops and livestock.

Bee-Safe Nursery Plants

Be Kind

To Wild Allies

Many wild animals will happily feest on the pests you want to avoid. Insectivores, birds, amphibians, and even predatory insects will munch on your bugs including slugs and snails.

To Apex Predators

Science and history have shown repeatedly that persecution of apex predators creates unforeseen ripples down the entire food chain, including:

