Pay-It-Forward Funding


A pay-it-forward program attempts to make the most sustainable use from public or other types of donations. Agreements are signed with benefactors, who in turn repay loans which feed back into the savings account of the fund, which can allow interest to be paid. Over time, as the loans are paid off, the fund can increase, and in turn help more people or organizations.

These types of programs can fund many things including

Educational & Workforce Funds

"Pay It Forward Funds are place-based workforce funds that more sustainably invest in worker upskilling. They amplify the impact of public and philanthropic dollars by recycling funds to ‘pay it forward’ for future learners. Our Career Impact Bond financing equips learners to land good-paying jobs and businesses to invest in and retain diverse, skilled talent." - Social Finance: Pay-It-Forward Funds



North America




New Jersey