
Understanding Activism

When we pour our time, effort, and resources into activism, the last thing we want is for any of that to go to waste. This page is intended to guide any current or would-be activist to better understand what activism is, the different levels, different types, and other useful information to help along this rewarding journey.

Levels of Activism

Activism can be complex as there are may layers to a movement, from the volunteers working at outreach tables, politicians who write new laws, down to general public, who's daily activities can compound to make big changes.

Click the Levels of Activism button to learn more about the 4 levels of activism from personal (Level 1), family & friends (Level 2), communities, local governments, and companies (Level 3), to the national and international framework that makes up Level 4. 

All of these influence on another, supporting one another, or leading to failure when one level doesn't support, or even blocks actions in the other levels. 

Types of Activism

Our Types of Activism page gives some examples of the many types of activism. This is not a definitive list, but intended to give a small overview and hopefully some inspiration. Feel free to make suggestions!

Communication for Activists & Planners

Communication is critical to success. Simple changes is phrasing or imagery can make powerful differences to interpretation and effectiveness. Careless communication can cause serious damage to what would otherwise be very effective and valuable projects, damage relationships, or worse, cause genuine harm. 

People involved in activism and community planning can have great power in shaping our future, therefore we have an even greater responsibility to ensure we are using these powers to help and support positive outcomes both for ourselves and others who may be effected. 

Listening is often an undervalued skill, but it creates stronger results, creates stronger relationships, and helps us adapt together instead of crushing those who might otherwise be ignored.

Click the Communication button to for more resources that can help you achieve better communication.

Tools & Guides for Activists


You don't have to join and organization to make an impact, but doing so can help you make a much greater impact than working alone. Organizations can help direct you towards impactful goals, by educating and supporting you in your mission. You can meet amazing people, learn about resources and other groups which you may also find useful.

Listed in this section is just a tiny fraction of groups working hard to help protect and restore our planet, help support human rights, protect our food system, as well as other key topics that will ensure a livable planet for everyone. 

We've focused on including general organizations on this page, but if you want to do a specific type of work like oyster reef restoration, then you can find a list of organizations on the specific topic pages throughout this website. Some pages also include a list of existing projects and programs you may be able to join or support locally.


Volunteer Matching Apps/Sites for Your Area



For Young Activists



North America




Grants & Funding


North America



Western Australia