

We all know the frustration of having vital information to share regarding the environment, and the difficulties that can arise when disagreements pop up. This isn't helped by the fact that when someone (or their views) feel challenged, humans naturally default to a fight or flight mode, which actually redirects blood flow away from the logical regions of the brain, and towards the extremities, actively lowering mental clarity.

In order to help people avoid common pitfall and develop stronger communication skills, this is a compilation of science based resources to help us open up channels of trust and communication.

General Communication Skills



North America


Conflict Resolution

Communication with Companies

Bee-Friendly Nursery Plants

Pesticides are poisons intended for pests, but they have a wide variety of negative impacts on humans and other species, even the health of our soil!

"Creating a welcoming home for local pollinators in your home garden or city park habitat is reason enough to choose plants free from harmful pesticide residues. Nurseries are more likely to make investments in pollinator-friendly production if their customers make it clear this is what they want. [The Xerces Society's] guide, Buying Bee-Safe Plants, covers four ways to help you find plants that are safe for bees, and includes tips and questions to use at the nursery."


Bikes and Walkable Cities

Promoting Equality & Group Unity


Actions We Can Take

General Communication

Read Books on Communication

Crucial conversations – Tools for talking when the stakes are high by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Swizler. Summarised by Paul Arnold is a good place to start, though a full copy of the book, perhaps from your local library, can help further cement the information and give more time to fully absorb as well as learn to apply the information.

Learn a New Language 

Once you have a good handle on the facts, communication is the next step. By learning new languages, or improving our proficiency in ones we already partially know, we have help spread important ideas further and faster. is a free learning platform that teaches an ever-growing list of languages including languages that are at risk of extinction. There are also groups like r/languagelearning and subs in specific languages where you can practice with native speakers.

Civic Activism

Use your skills to contact your representative or other leaders.

Additional Tools

Level 2 Activism

Levels 2-4 Activism

Level 3-4 Activism

1. Identify and map their values 

2. Explore changes today and share perspectives on possible  futures 

3. Develop and share visions for national Green New Deals, and prototype ways forward. 

• Guidelines for facilitators 

• Activity worksheets 

• Explanations and examples 

• Guidelines for sharing insights across YFOEE 


North America




