Cladina Lichens


"Cladonia is a genus of moss-like lichens in the family Cladoniaceae. They are the primary food source for reindeer/caribou. Cladonia species are of economic importance to reindeer-herders, such as the Sami in Scandinavia or the Nenets in Russia." - Wikipedia :Cladonia

"Cladonia perforata ("perforate cladonia") is one of two on the U.S. Endangered Species List, and it should never be collected. It exists only in a few small populations in Florida.

Several Cladonia species grow on sand dunes. The presence, and luxuriant carpet-like growth, of Cladonia species is one of the defining characters of grey dune, a priority habitat for conservation under the E.U. Habitats Directive" - Wikipedia :Cladonia

"Cladonia species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Chionodes continuella." - Wikipedia :Cladonia



" Antibiotic compounds are extracted from some species to create antibiotic cream." - Wikipedia :Cladonia