

What is a Guzzler?

"Guzzlers are basically a man-made rain and snow collection system that provides supplementary water for wildlife.  They’ve been around for years, in various forms, but the concept remains the same.  Collect rainwater and store it in a reservoir to be consumed by animals during dry periods."

"A guzzler system usually consists of two parts: The collection lid and the storage tank below. When it rains, the water is collected by the lid and gravity feeds it down into the reservoir tank. Animals are able to access the water by walking down a ramp that is built into the lid.  About 75% of the lid covers the water reservoir to reduce evaporation." - 

Life Expectancy: 20 years. Fiberglass guzzlers can be incinerated by wild fires, and concrete skirts can crack due to environmental factors. Depending on the materials and design, these may last for decades or only a season in fire-prone areas.

Pro: These can provide water to wildlife at high altitudes, and are replenished by rain, meaning rangers, conservationists, or volunteers don't have truck water up into difficult terrain to keep animals alive.

Con: These are reliant on rainfall and can be damaged by fire as well as other extreme elements. These can be dangerous for animals who might fall in and drown, or hurt their legs. Water sources can lure prey and predators may learn to use them for ambushing.

Solution: To prevent drowning these are generally designed with a ramp for easy access and escape. A fence can be added to help reduce the chance of animals like wild horses from running right over a guzzler and potentially breaking a leg.

Materials: Materials like stone or concrete can be used. Many prefabricated guzzlers are fiberglass, but you can recycle found items like corrugated roofing, an old gutter, metal pieces for a frame, and crews to create the water catchment portion of the device. Some capture rain with a wide concrete skirt that feeds the basin portion. Some kind of roof is useful to reduce evaporation and this can double as part of the to catch water

Fuel Types: Water cycle + gravity

Resources & How-To Guides

Prefabricated Guzzlers & Accessories


North America


Grants & Funding

North America