Types of Activism


Whenever there’s a positive change in society, we can thank activists. They work in every corner of the world on issues like racial injustice, gender discrimination, and the countless intersections of social issues. You can find activists lobbying their governments, calling for corporate accountability, and campaigning for equality. Visions and specific goals vary, but activists want a better world. To be effective, activism combines many strategies.

Explore Types of Activism 

The following topics are listed alphabetically.  You can click any of the buttons to learn more about the specific type of activism.


"Solidarity, not Aid must become the paradigm of NGO-grassroots partnerships. We hope to develop three tools to achieve this goal:

11:45 minutes video with captions talks about the problems with decoupling, then focuses on better alternatives, specifically de-growth combined with socialism. For example, ending unnecessary advertising and manufacturing to produce things people really need like homes and insulation upgrades for existing buildings, plus educating people for jobs such as at home care, education, and therapists.



North America

Food Security/ Gardening

This is specifically written with bumble bees in mind, but gives some great ideas for how to go about creating a public garden, how to fund raise, and how to get people involved.



This is specifically written with bumble bees in mind, but gives some great ideas for how to go about creating a public garden, how to fund raise, and how to get people involved.

North America

Green America - "Green America harnesses economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society."



North America


GreenAmerica: Climate Victory Gardens "To protect the privacy of our gardeners, pins are not exact locations. Please note: It may take a couple of weeks for your garden to appear on the map as we work on upgrading it." Map shows public and private climate victory gardens

Explore our Action Map page to see where people are taking action near you!

