Fashion Industry


Clothing drives significant ecological impact including water pollution, air pollution, and even slavery.

Apps & Resources

For Companies

High-Impact Textiles





Most synthetic materials are derived from petrochemical (fossile fuel byproducts).


Eco-Friendly & Ethical Products

Sustainable Materials & Brands


Upcycling uses less energy and less resources that breaking down products to be fully re-cycled. Dad's old shirt can become anything from a cleaning rag to a throw pillow, baby clothing, dog coat, or a new stuffed toy. An old curtain can become a prom dress or reusable shopping bags. Mum's stained or torn dress can be used to make reusable period pads, or a smaller set of clothing for a smaller family member. 

Dress Up

Some of my favorite dress-up clothes as a kid were "fancy" hand-me-downs like old night dresses and scarves/shawls that have since served my siblings and cousins for many an imaginary adventure or tea party.


This may be the hardest step listed, since we throw away such large percentages of items like clothing, rugs, and furniture, but very few systems exist to handle textile recycling. In fact, since COVID began, many recycling drop offs have closed with no plans to open in the foreseeable future. 

To anyone wondering what kind of business they should start to help the environment, please be aware that this would provide jobs, reduce pressure on our landfills, save resources, AND fill a desperately needed niche that is necessary for a truly circular economy.

DIY Clothes & Textiles

Click the Clothing button to learn more about specific types of materials, understanding what makes clothing "quality" vs just badly-made fast fashion, and more!

