Action Map


One of the big issues facing us, especially novice activists, or people who haven't quite stepped into that role yet, is the perception of "being alone" in this. It often feels like others don't care, and "no one's doing anything about this!" which is a sentiment I see typed out too often in different climate and environmental comment sections.

I wanted to create a place where we can use the power of maps to remind ourselves and others that we are NOT the only people who care enough about these issues to take action. Feel free to join in by registering your own impacts, organizations, action days, and meet-ups on the maps bellow. Feel tree to suggest other maps!


With over 2,500 groups, browse the largest collection of animal rights activist groups all located in one single map!

Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries

We are the only globally recognized organization for certifying that a facility meets the GFAS Standards of Excellence and recognizes those as a true “sanctuary.” As such, facilities around the world, large and small, come to GFAS for guidance and support in achieving and maintaining GFAS-accredited status.


Local Tools

Explore our map to find your local Tool and Lending Libraries – and start sharing in a trusted location!

Little Free Library

These mini-libraries can foster reading and sharing culture even in communities that lack traditional library institutions. 

Massachusetts Library of Things: Map of Things

Tips, tricks and resources for Librarians interested in the circulation of Non-Traditional Lending items aka "Library of Things"

Share Starter - Worldwide Tool Libraries & Libraries of Things is the site for the proposed Lending Library Alliance (LLA). The LLA promotes the establishment of new Libraries of Things and Tool Libraries across the country and around the world by spreading the idea, inspiring the creation of new tool lending libraries, and providing the information and assistance necessary to help launch sustainable tool libraries.

Food Security & Food Waste


Share compost waste with people and organizations that can compost them.

Green America - Climate Victory Gardens

Join the food revolution and register your victory garden here.

Register a pantry, donated extra crops, or find a local food pantry if you are in need.


Adventure Cycling Association - Member Clubs

The following Bicycle Clubs believe in the mission of the Adventure Cycling Association and have supported the organization by becoming a member club. If you are looking for a bicycle club in your current location, please give one of our supporting clubs a try and don't forget to let them know how much you appreciate their support of us!

Earth Day - The Great Global Cleanup

The Great Global Cleanup is a worldwide campaign to rid the environment of waste and plastic pollution for good. Join us and help create a waste-free world.

Ocean Wise - Shoreline Cleanup

The Shoreline Cleanup currently recognizes five Canadian municipalities as Clean Shoreline Communities: The City of Vancouver, District of West Vancouver, City of Lethbridge, City of Calgary and the City of Hamilton.

Ocean Conservancy - International Coastal Cleanup

Every year during Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup™, hundreds of thousands of volunteers comb lakes, rivers and beaches around the world for trash. Find a cleanup leader near you and join the movement.

Precious Plastic

The aim of Precious Plastic is to provide a global solution to the plastic waste problem. We provide machine plans, product designs, knowledge on plastic and the industry, business models and a full ecosystem that can be adopted by anyone that wants to take the problem into their own hands. Everything we learn and publish online is free and open for anyone to use and modify.

Water Rangers

Did you know there are thousands of waterbodies across Canada that need your help? By helping scientists collect baseline data, we can notice when things go wrong and work together to solve water’s biggest problems.

Where are plastic bags banned or taxed around the world?

Social & Health

Cycle Without Age

 Volunteers (pilots) sign up for bike rides with the elderly as often or as rarely as they want to. It’s all driven by people’s own motivation. At present (December 2021) more than 2,700 chapter locations around the world offer Cycling Without Age from well over 3,700 trishaws – and the numbers are still growing. More than 35,000 trained pilots ensure that the elderly get out of their nursing homes, out on the bikes to enjoy the fresh air and the community around them. They give them the right to wind in their hair.

Strikes, Protests, & Sit Ins

Sky News - Climate Strike Interactive Map

Try our interactive map to find out where the climate change protests have been happening across the globe.

Join Your Local Extinction Rebellion Group

Our local and national groups are the core of Extinction Rebellion. Get in touch with yours by search below to connect with rebels, learn about training, and get involved.

Fridays For Future aka School Strike for Climate

FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE or FFF, is a youth-led and -organised global climate strike movement that started in August 2018, when 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a school strike for climate. In the three weeks leading up to the Swedish election, she sat outside Swedish Parliament every school day, demanding urgent action on the climate crisis. She was tired of society’s unwillingness to see the climate crisis for what it is: a crisis.

Tree Planting

One Tree Planted - Global Forest Watch

Want to learn more about where deforestation is happening around the world? Use the interactive map to explore tree cover loss and forest change over time. One Tree Planted has planting projects in four global regions: North America, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

Forest Information System for Europe

Under the European green deal, the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 commits to planting at least 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030

National Forest Foundation

By working closely with our partners at the U.S. Forest Service, we assess reforestation need and direct our support to where the need is greatest. From longleaf pine forests in Florida to the high alpine whitebark pine forests of the West, we’re planting millions of trees every year across our National Forests. Explore the map below to learn about our projects.

Wildlife & Rewilding

The Global Rewilding Alliance

The Global Rewilding Alliance was formed in 2020 and is currently a growing network of more than 125 practitioner and messenger organizations. Together, we work in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, North America and globally to rewild more than 100 million hectares of land and sea in more than 70 countries.


Pollinator Partnership

Welcome to the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Map powered by the Pollinator Partnership.

Register your pollinator habitat below. It is free and easy! Explore other pollinator friendly SHARE landscapes all over the globe! See if your favorite organization is participating by looking for their logo to the right.


European Rewilding Network

Rewilding Europe recognizes that our work is part of a broader European rewilding movement. As part of this movement, many great and inspirational initiatives have already developed over the last few decades, with new projects continuing to mushroom across the continent.

Rewilding Britain

REWILDING PROJECTS AND LOCAL GROUPS - Find rewilding projects and local groups who have signed up to the network

Coral Conservation

Fragments of Hope

Fragments of Hope pioneered reef replenishment activities in Belize and is committed to spreading awareness and the importance of coral reefs and their associated biodiversity. In 2009, six in-situ nursery sites were established near Placencia using three cultured methods from Dr. Austin Bowden-Kerby.  Much of these methods have been modified and today, there are over 23 nurseries and over 100,000 coral out-planted in more than 10 different locations throughout Belize expanding from Laughing Bird Caye National Park (LBCNP) to Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve (GSSCMR), South Water Caye Marine Reserve (SWCMR) and Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve (TAMR).

The Nature Conservancy - Reef Builder

We're leading Australia’s largest marine restoration initiative, to bring shellfish reef ecosystems back from the brink of extinction — for the benefit of both people and nature.

Tools & Calculators

North America