

There are a variety of ways to get seeds from seed sellers and grocery shop produce to seed libraries and seed swaps. This page is dedicated to helping you find seeds near you.

Some seeds are for foods which may not be native to your country, while other resources will help you get access to native plants for your rewilding projects such as pollinator gardens or prairie strips.

Native Plants

One way to get free seeds is to clear a bit of soil, add a birdbath, and get many native edibles via bird droppings. Some species of plant actually need to be consumed by birds or other animals to jump start their life cycles, though you may want to gently dig up your new plants and put them further away from the bird bath. -  Foraging Texas   

It's important to use native plants when doing rewilding project or gardening to help wildlife. Wild plants support wildlife by providing food, nesting materials, even hydration and shelter. When invasive plants replace natives, it means less resources for wildlife, especially if non-natives start to crowd out the natives.

Check out our Wildflowers page to for our directory of identification guides to help determine which plants are native to your area vs. which plants don't belong.

3:04 minute video shows how to sustainably harvest multiple species of local wildflowers.

Why Are Seeds Important?

"Navdanya International launched its global  Seed Freedom Campaign in 2012 to bring to citizens’ attention the crucial role of seed in the battle to defend food sovereignty and food safety and help strengthen the movement to save and exchange seeds in response to the growing corporate hijacking of our seeds and our food.   In the context of the deepening global seed emergency and food crisis, Navdanya International formed the Global Movement for Seed Freedom as a way of uniting the diverse groups and organizations around the world saving seeds, resisting the criminalization of seed saving and promoting ecological agriculture,  and to add strength to the mobilization against the industrialization, poisoning and impoverishment of our food systems. The Seed Freedom Movement has grown into a very strong and vibrant global community, which continues to expand through the mushrooming of hundreds of local seed groups and networks throughout the world, through festivals, workshops, demonstrations and policy advocacy campaigns."

Organic Crop Seeds

You can get seeds several ways. You can buy them online or in person at regular shops: groceries, feed stores, garden nurseries, seed swaps, collecting seeds from foods you like, or collecting and saving seeds from your own harvests.

Some museums, schools, libraries, community garden programs, and non-profit organizations also have seed storage or saving programs.

You can also scroll down to see what is available in Seed Libraries, or where you can participate in Seed Swaps or Buy Organic Seeds near you.

Seed Banks

Seed banks exist to help preserve seed diversity.

Unlike a seed library, you may be required to donate seeds or a monetary donation before receiving any seeds.

Seed Libraries

Seed Saving & Swapping

Buy Organic Seeds


Organic Seed Alliance Directory Maps shows mostly USA suppliers, but also in regions including the UK, Pakistan, as well as Jammu and Kashmir.

North America




Johnny's Selected Seeds (commercial orders only until April 28th) 



Buy Native Seeds


Aside from the libraries and businesses listed above, there are also organizations specifically focused on education and seed saving. Organizations that didn't specifically fit in one of the categories above are listed in this section.

North America




How-To: Seed Bombs

North America





North America



Grants & Funding

North America

