For Teachers

Table of Contents

Some of these resources are divided by location, but other than school trips, some funding options, and location-specific class materials (individual watersheds for example) this detail may not always be particularly important in reference to the subject matter. Some materials may be very universal or might benefit from small edits about land marks, cultural references, foods, or organism species to make them more relevant to your students and region, so please click around to see what's on offer, but let us know if there's anything specific you'd like to be added to this resource page.

Adaptation & Resilience

Click the Climate Change, Geography, & Adaptation button for educational materials about these topics.

Click the Eco-Friendly Schools & Adaptation button to learn about hands-on ways schools can teach students about adaptation. 

Air Quality

North America



Animals & Life Cycles

Click the Animals & Life Cycles page for more information about some fascinating topics that will educate and inspire your students.

We've also included a section about how pollution effects wildlife, to help students learn about ways they can reduce these pollutions at home, such as turning off outdoor lights and closing curtains or blinds to reduce light pollution.

Arts & Media



Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health, Conservations, & Fragmentation




North America



Competition,Challenges, & Events

Competitions, challenges, and events can be a great way to get students not only thinking about important topics, but actively engaging.

Click the Competitions & Events button to learn more.

Connecting Students, Schools & Communities With Nature

Click the Connecting Students with Nature button to learn more about programs and locations near you, on-campus solutions, as well as resources for those with disabilities or mobility restrictions.





Curriculum Guide: Help Students Find the Classes They Need

Here we provide suggestions to help students find the eco-friendly classes that will help set them on their desired path. One of my biggest barriers to getting the qualifications I wanted was simply the struggle to find classes near me that covered the topics I wanted to study. We want to help remove this barrier, so please let us know of any resources we've missed!


North America



Solar energy for schools can provide practical, educational, and financial benefits for campuses and their students. Click the Solar for Schools button to learn more, see our directories of organizations, programs, grants/financing, and more.

North America



North America


Field Trip Locations, Programs, & Virtual Field Trips

Click the button below to search our growing directory of physical and virtual field trips for students.


Access to Nutrition

School gardens can include a vegetable garden, orchard, or similar food-growing projects. Click the Garden button to learn more about different types of gardens, and which might be the best fit for your climate, space, and needs.

Combat Hunger

The first step to solving the hunger crisis, is to understand our dietary needs, and the food system. From there we can all make choices that will save resources, and ensure every person on Earth can have their fair share. This is certainly possibly as scientists estimate we could currently feed 12-14 billion people with the amount of food we already produce each year. 

Most waste comes from unsustainable food choices on the part of farmers, consumers, and everyone in between. Badly planned subsidies have made this problem worse, but by picking less resource-intense foods, we can reduce the amount of resources used, to produce healthier food choices.

Click the Food Security button to learn more about how healthy and eco-friendly food choices can reduce hunger everywhere.

Click the Combat Hunger button to find apps and organizations who prevent food waste by getting food to people in need.

Growing Food in Harsher Environments

Class Activity Packets for Waffle Gardens

Reducing Food Waste/Composting

Composting is fairly easy, reduces land fill waste, reduces emissions and prevent water contamination. It's also a cheap way to provide important nutrients for a school garden. Reducing the amount of waste leaving school grounds can also help save money, and getting kids involved can create long-lasting benefits.

Education: Where does food come from? How is it produced? 

North America


Forests & Forest Fires

Click the Trees link for our directory of resources for free or cheap trees. Some of the programs listed are specifically aimed at tree plantings for schools.

North America


Funding & Grants

Click the Grants for Schools & Teachers button to find financial opportunities in your area. Some are specifically for upgrading school, specific types of school programs, field trips/transportation, for students themselves, and more.

Gardens & Schoolyards

There are many types of garden and schoolyard features that can fit into different types of spaces, climates, as well as to fit a variety of needs. You may struggle with frequent flooding, struggle to find funding for food programs, or simply want to incorporate outdoor learning into your class plan. 

Click the Gardening and Landscaping button to learn more about different types of gardens.

Click the Wildflower button to find out what plants belong in your area and will grow best. The link also includes seed sources including seed libraries, seed swaps, and sources for organic or wild seeds.

Trees help clean our air, provide habitat for wildlife, help cool hot playgrounds, click the button to learn about programs offering free or cheap trees. Some are specifically programs aimed at school tree planting programs.

Floodwater Management on Schoolgrounds

Flooding can be devastating to both school function and school funds. To help protect schools, while also protecting the environment and harnessing this issue as an opportunity for education we have included the following materials.

Food Gardening

Food gardening is a great way to supplement school meals with health ingredients, but they can also be learning opportunities for children. 

Arid Climates: Class Activity Packets

Schoolyard Activities

Wildlife and Pollinator Gardens


North America



North America


Kits & Lesson Plans

North America


Language Arts


"Firefly" interactive game explores the mathematics of the insects' flashing in multiple languages listed under our Animals section or click the Fireflies button for links to the games in a variety of languages, plus resources about fireflies and glow worms world wide.






North America


Professional Development




North America



Local Partner Resource Guide - Community Resources for Science



North America


Installations & Financial Support

North America


Science Teacher Resources

Science at Home

North America




North America


Soil Health, Contamination, & Erosion

North America


Student Action Projects: Stewardship Preservation/Resource Conservation


United Nations



North America




New Zealand

Habitat in the Eskdale Stream (1:57minute video)

Technology & Biotechnology

North America




Local Partner Resource Guide - Community Resources for Science

Watersheds, Bodies of Water, Water Cycle, Water Pollution & Water Security

"Water begins from the ocean, and blows towards continents, alighting on forests, grasslands, savannahs, wetlands, travelling over mountains, slithering through organism carved pores in the soil, descending down into underground bedrock, squeezing through roots and hyphae, phase transitioning between vapor, liquid and sometimes ice, until it ends up further inland, hydrating the fauna and flora there. Water hops, sinks, and lifts along the bio-rain corridor." -

Click the image or bio-rain-corridor links to learn more about emerging water cycle concepts, or click the Water button to learn more about which activities use the most water (aka disrupt the water cycle the most), the best methods for reducing water use, saving and harvesting water

The Water page also has more info about the water cycle, water and biology/wildlife, and ways we can help restore ecosystems to help the water cycle recover.

For those doing restoration work or helping urban wildlife we also have a guide on providing water to wildlife.

North America





East Bay

 San Francisco Bay Area

Santa Clara Valley


Take Home Packets